Correction of information

ANZMES has previously published information stating that The Switch and Empower Therapies are alternate names for the Lightning Process. We wish to correct that statement. 

The Switch is an independent course run by Mel Abbott of Empower Therapies.

Mel Abbott is no longer a Lightning Process Practitioner and The Switch is not associated with the Lightning Process programme developed in the United Kingdom.

Disclaimer: ANZMES does not recommend any products, programmes, treatments, or techniques. ANZMES does not offer medical advice. It is up to an individual and their health team to decide what is appropriate for their specific situation taking their full medical history into account. The diagnosis of ME/CFS relies on clinical description/presentation and on exclusionary medical testing. It is imperative to seek qualified medical advice for evaluation. Any advice, either explicit or implied, is not intended to replace qualified medical advice. ANZMES does not accept any responsibility for any treatment undertaken by readers of this website or for any error or omission in connection with information shared here.

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