Welcome to ANZMES

Welcome to the Associated New Zealand ME Society (ANZMES), serving New Zealanders with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since 1980. ANZMES objects in the constitution are:

  • To provide support for and publish and distribute information to groups and individuals suffering from or interested in ME/CFS including their families and carers.
  • To provide a National focus for and to represent individual sufferers and support groups for ME/CFS in New Zealand.
  • To promote research into the study of ME/CFS, and of the causes and treatments of this disease and to liaise internationally and keep abreast of current research.
  • To maintain ANZMES position as advisory body in this area of ME/CFS.
  • To raise awareness of ME/CFS by educating health professionals and the wider community about this medical condition.
  • To produce a regular publication to all subscribing members to disseminate information and support.

For health professionals: CME education

Know M.E the video podcast and news series: sharing the latest medical research and up-to-date, relevant information to help clinicians, researchers and other health professionals stay informed about this challenging and often misunderstood condition: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and post COVID conditions.

ANZMES is a RNZCGP registered provider of continuing education. Earn credits while you learn.

Subscribe today!

We provide information, support and practical advice for people, families and carers affected by ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). We also fund and support research, and offer education and training. ME/CFS is a debilitating and complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue that is not improved by bed rest and that may be worsened by physical or mental activity. Symptoms affect several body systems and may include weakness, muscle pain, impaired memory and/or mental concentration, and insomnia, which can result in reduced participation in daily activities. ME/CFS is known by many other names such as Tapanui Flu, Yuppie Flu etc.

In New Zealand, it is estimated that there are at least 25,000 sufferers. This equates to 1 in 250 adults and 1 in 134 youth.  ME/CFS is thought to afflict around 150,000 in the UK, and over one million in the US. The economic cost (as at 2017) to each family with a sufferer has been estimated to be in the region of NZ$35-45,000 per year.

Whether you are a person with ME/CFS, a medical professional, a caregiver or just curious, we hope that the information you find here will improve your understanding of this devastating illness that affects approx three/four in a thousand New Zealanders. There is a network of support groups throughout New Zealand that are are affiliated to ANZMES.

On this website, you will find a range of useful information for sufferers and their families, caregivers, friends and medical professionals. It is an evolving site however, so please visit again.

Donations to ANZMES are welcomed.

Your donations to ANZMES will go towards:

  • Ensuring people can speak to someone directly to get the help that they need
  • Helping in the production of up to date medical Information about ME
  • Invitation of  overseas ME/CFS Specialists to educate the NZ medical Fraternity
  • Raising awareness about ME/CFS in the community through media releases
  • Regularly approaching the Government to implement better care for sufferers
  • Furthering the research into ME

You can donate by Internet Banking

01 -0414 -0276330 -00

Or by Cash Payment sent to 

43 Princes Street
Dunedin Central,
Dunedin, 9016

Or on our Give a Little Page Adjacent right


This year ANZMES is offering members the opportunity to receive the Meeting Place Magazine in either Electronic Format or Hard Copy.

Membership entitles you to four copies of ‘Meeting Place Magazine’ each year and access to a comprehensive selection of informative resources about ME/CFS.

ANZMES Subscription is $10.00. A family membership is available at $5.00 for each other family member who wants to join, when the first family member has paid a full sub; each family receives one Meeting Place Magazine per quarter. The family membership is beneficial in that it boosts our membership rate for national lobbying etc. A reduced subscription of $5.00 per year is available for those who have financial constraints. ANZMES does offer a free membership for those who really need it. Contact Angela in the office here if you require this type of membership, we are very happy to help you out with this.

Beyond providing informative resources, ANZMES also:

  • Acts as a key contact organisation for individuals requiring advice, advocacy, and support.
  • Works to improve the public visibility and recognition of this condition in New Zealand through our Annual ME Day and other publicity initiatives.
  • Provides education for patients and medical professionals in New Zealand, with the goal of ensuring that those with ME/CFS are treated with current best practice and respect in their communities.
  • Invests in ME/CFS-focused research being undertaken in New Zealand, to ensure that New Zealand is playing our role in finding ways to understand, manage, and treat this condition.
  • Organises training opportunities for local support group leaders, helping them to provide meaningful support, facilitate connections between those with ME/CFS, and advocate for their members.
  • Represents those with ME/CFS at a national and international level, including lobbying with the Ministry of Health and collaborating with other ME/CFS organisations (such as the International Alliance for ME).

To join:

Click on this link to complete the online ANZMES Membership form
or if you prefer you can download our PDF Version and fill out and send to our office (address listed below).

You may make a payment by direct Bank, see bank numbers below

Direct to Bank: ANZ Bank, Rotorua. Account No.  01 -0414  -0276330 -00

Or by Cash Payment sent to 

43 Princes Street
Dunedin Central,
Dunedin, 9016

A membership renewal form is inserted in the Meeting Place Magazine at the end of each financial year (April to March).

For more information please contact us here




ANZMES is a proud member of:

World ME Alliance
Neurological Alliance NZ

Know M.E. Podcast

The Podcast is available on Spotify, iHeartRadio, Apple, and YouTube (as video content).

This Podcast is just one part of the Know M.E. Series for health professionals. Health professionals can claim CME/CPD by engaging with the content included in the monthly newsletter. If you are a health professional subscribe today here: sign me up!

ANZMES does not recommend any treatments and it is stressed that the diagnosis of ME/CFS relies on clinical description/presentation and on exclusionary medical testing. It is imperative to seek qualified medical advice for evaluation. Any advice, either explicit or implied, is not intended to replace qualified medical advice. ANZMES does not accept any responsibility for any treatment undertaken by readers of this website or for any error or omission in connection with information shared here.

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