The ANZMES Annual General Meeting will be held on
the 26th November 2016
Time: – 1.00pm.
Venue: – Auckland CCS Disability Action, Kauri Room – (Bottom of Drive)
14 Erson Avenue, Royal Oak, Auckland. The centre, which overlooks One Tree Hill, is close to the airport and the Royal Oak Shopping Centre. It has plenty of car parking and is well serviced by local buses. If you have any queries please telephone Debbie on 09 269634 or 03 4716203
At 1.30pm our guest speaker Dr Lynette Hodges Lecturer in Exercise and Sport Science from Massey University will share about her research into assessing responses to repeated exercise testing in patients with ME/CFS. This is being done along with Professor Warren Tate from the Otago University who is carrying out research in finding a biomarker for ME/CFS. Other tests being performed are arterial stiffness assessment, blood samples, brief neuropsychological tests, exercise testing lasting for approximately 12 minutes on a cycle ergometer and an exercise recovery questionnaire.
Our next speaker Dr Ros Vallings will share the very exciting news coming out in a number of research studies internationally which are confirming with one another definite Biomarkers for ME/CFS.