Phillida Bunkle – Address on ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia Patients and Carers

WellMe Wellington invited Phillida Bunkle to speak at their Annual General Meeting in December 2017. Phillida spoke candidly about her first hand experience of being a ‘carer’ of a patient with ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia which not only highlighted the patients experience and needs, but she also revealed some valuable insights into the needs of carers which are often overlooked.  A very informative and helpful and encouraging video which ANZMES highly recommend to all. See video below:

Note from WellMe Vice Chair – Sandra Forsyth

Support for Caregivers: an integral part of the Circle of Strength
The wellbeing of the both the person living with ME/CFS and their caregiver and family/support networks is something WellMe strongly advocates through our Support Groups and regular Coffee Groups.  WellMe’s ethos that support is all – support is vital is an integral part of WellMe’s culture, as is our buddy system.  Support for our caregivers is equally vital.  Together we are strong and an integral part of each other’s circle of strength.  As our caregivers protect and nurture us, they too need to be protected and nurtured so as not to suffer burn out and exhaustion.

Caregivers and supporters need their own support networks and self-management techniques.  Phillida Bunkle’s address to WellMe’s AGM last December on the personal and family impacts of ME: deficits in care, the importance of family care for the sick, and its impacts on other members will resonate with many.  When discussing the subject of her address, Phillida said ‘I would like to touch on the practical difficulties of nursing the severely affected because they are barely acknowledged.’

Throughout her career, Phillida has been involved with many aspects of patient protection including patient advocacy, health consumer representation and policy development particularly concerning women’s health, and the care of people with ME/CFS and cancer.  On four occasions she has been a delegate to WHO world summits on World Health.

Most noted for co-writing ‘An Unfortunate Experiment at National Womens’ with Sandra Coney leading to a Commission of Inquiry headed by Dame Silvia Cartwright that helped strengthen patients’ rights and saw the establishment of a national cervical screening programme, Phillida has published widely and won a number of awards recognising her contribution to health consumer protection.  These include the New Zealand Health Industry Distinguished Public Service Award, and the New Zealand Governor General’s Special Award of Excellence in Journalism and being made a life member of the National Distribution Workers Union (NZ).

Phillida is qualified in many branches of massage and bodywork and is a former patron of the New Zealand Massage Institute.  She also holds practice certificates in reflexology, foot care, cancer care and health coaching and currently divides her time between caring for family members with ME in New Zealand and running a small private health coaching practice in nutrition and bodywork in Central London.





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CCI Support Whakatane Information Day – Saturday 17th March

Complex Chronic Illness Support is holding an Information Day in Whakatane on Saturday 17th March from 10am to 12.30pm at the Lyceum Club, on the corner of Domain and McGarvey Roads. The purpose of this event is to promote and inform the Eastern Bay of Plenty community of the support and services we offer, and to present an introduction to ME/CFS and fibromyalgia.

We are very fortunate to have NZ’s leading GP specialist on ME/CFS, Dr Ros Vallings MNZM, as our guest speaker, and Dr Sarah Dalziel from Te Ngae Medical Centre, Rotorua, attending. Our own field officers will also be giving a presentation on our ground-breaking Towards Wellness programme.

We invite interested members of the public, doctors, healthcare professionals, alternative health practitioners, and especially those living with ME/CFS and fibromyalgia, to this information day.

Light refreshments will be available.

For further information please contact Elizabeth on 021 838 217

Professor Warren Tate’s Update on His Research into ME/CFS – 11th November 2017

Professor Warren Tate spoke at the ANZMES Annual General Meeting, which was held on 11th of November 2017. Professor Tate updated everyone on his current research that he is undertaking into ME/CFS which show some very promising results linking his research very closely with other research that is being carried out overseas. Professor Tate is recognized internationally for his work into ME/CFS and was a guest speaker at the 12th Invest in ME Research International ME Conference in London earlier this year.


Life Membership Awarded to Heather Wilson Past President of ANZMES

During ANZMES recent AGM on the 11th of November Heather Wilson (new Vice President) was awarded with a Life Membership for her outstanding service to ANZMES. Dr Ros Vallings thanked Heather for all of the time and effort she had contributed to ANZMES over her 16 year period with the organisation, with special recognition given to her accomplishments in her role as President over the last 10 years.  Ros outlined Heather’s many accomplishments including organising lecture tours for visiting international doctors and specialists, creating information sheets about ME/CFS, lobbying the government, organising a conference in the southern hemisphere for doctors and specialists, her contributions to the Meeting Place Magazine and also helping in the distribution of resources to doctors throughout NZ. Ros said that Heather has provided a fantastic face for ANZMES.  Dr Vallings then went on to present Heather with a Life Membership Award which features a Royal Albatross, the symbol for ANZMES.


Dr Ros Vallings Speaking Engagement Rotorua

Dr Ros Vallings will be speaking in Rotorua 

Date:               3rd November
Venue:            Bainbridge centre
Time:               2.30 pm
Topic:              Update on research

All welcome.


Interview with Jennifer Brea – From the Film ‘Unrest’

Jennifer Brea was interviewed by Kim Hill on National Radio’s Good Morning Show on the 12th of August.  If you missed out you can listen to the interview. See link below

Jennifer Brea Interview – National Radio.


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