ANZMES has made this PDF version available to those who wish to download for their own use.
Dr Vallings Presentation ANZMES Annual General Meeting – Auckland
This presentation was held at the ANZMES Annual General Meeting in Auckland on the 26th November 2016. Dr Ros Vallings presentation focused on the IACFS Conference which was held in Fort Lauderdale, United States recently. Dr Vallings was presented with the Nelson Gantz Clinicians Award for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis at that conference. Some of the research that Dr Vallings covers in her presentation is how Glutathione impaired brain function in ME patients and how ME Patients have high protein levels in the CFS (Cerberus Spinal Fluid). She also covers how there is a difference in the molecular building blocks with ME/CFS patients known as 3 SNPS and much more.
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Dr Ros Vallings Speaking in Rotorua on the 2nd of December
Dr Ros Vallings who has just come back from the International IACFS Conference with a prestigious award will be speaking in Rotorua on 2nd Dec at 2 pm at the Bainbridge Centre.
TOPIC: Overview of the Florida conference.
Courageous Deeds – Back to School 4 ME – Fundraiser for the Auckland Area
Courageous Deeds is a fundraiser challenging ten leaders with a passion for diversity and making a difference to head BACK TO SCHOOL for a day to raise awareness for young adults and teens with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) who have missed out on their youth and schooling due to this crippling and misunderstood illness.
Funds raised will go to support ME/CFS sufferers in the Auckland region.
Please click on image below for more information regarding ME Auckland
If you would like to participate in this fundraiser
please check out this link below to our
Give a Little Page
To be completed and sent in by the 5th December 2016
Survey link is:
There are some key points that it will be useful for you to understand before filling out the survey.
- It is totally voluntary to complete the survey.
- Completion of the survey is anonymous and so we will not know who has completed the survey or be able to link a person with their responses.
- All the responses will be joined together so only group information will be used.
- The final statistics from the survey will be shared with others. For example it may be shared with the media via a press release. This information will also be used for lobbying.
We are aware that ME/CFS has a large impact is a variety of areas and so we could have included many areas in this survey, however, we are also aware that completing a long survey would not be possible for many people with ME/CFS and so we have not been able to include all the areas.
We would encourage you to complete the survey, as the more people who complete the survey the more notice others will take of the results. If you know others with ME/CFS please encourage them to complete the survey as well.
The results will be summarised in the Meeting Place and on the ANZMES website.
ANZMES Survey 2016
To be completed and sent in by the 5th December 2016
Survey link is:
There are some key points that it will be useful for you to understand before filling out the survey.
- It is totally voluntary to complete the survey.
- Completion of the survey is anonymous and so we will not know who has completed the survey or be able to link a person with their responses.
- All the responses will be joined together so only group information will be used.
- The final statistics from the survey will be shared with others. For example it may be shared with the media via a press release. This information will also be used for lobbying.
We are aware that ME/CFS has a large impact is a variety of areas and so we could have included many areas in this survey, however, we are also aware that completing a long survey would not be possible for many people with ME/CFS and so we have not been able to include all the areas.
We would encourage you to complete the survey, as the more people who complete the survey the more notice others will take of the results. If you know others with ME/CFS please encourage them to complete the survey as well.
The results will be summarised in the Meeting Place and on the ANZMES website.
Dr Vallings Speaking at Arthritis Meeting
‘Focusing on Pain and Fibromyalgia’
To he held at: The University of Auckland
Date: Saturday 17th September 2016
Time: 10am – 12.30pm
Venue: Gate 1 Building 730, Room 220
The University of Auckland Clinics
Tamaki Innovation Campus
261 Morrin Road, St Johns
A summary of tips to manage arthritis and reduce pain
Guest Speaker
Dr Rosamund Vallings who is a GP with a specialty in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue and is an international expert and presenter in these conditions.
Dr Vallings will be giving the latest in research and treatment of Fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue including information from the international ME Conference 2016 in London UK. She will of course be talking about how to manage these frustrating conditions and the fatigue from inflammatory arthritis.
The second presentation of this seminar
A summary of tips to manage arthritis and reduce pain with Georgina Greville,
RN Arthritis Educator. AUT on Wednesday 21st September
Dr Lawrence Teoh Rheumatologist will talk about Osteoarthritis.
Dr Teoh, is a Rheumatologist in private practice at Medical Specialists Group in Epsom. He has a special interest in the non-operative treatment of knee and hip Osteoarthritis.
The topics he will cover are:
Main risk factors for Osteoarthritis; Understanding osteoarthritis pain.
Current approach for the non-operative treatment of knee and hip Osteoarthritis. The need for a paradigm shift with a community / public health approach.
Annual General Meeting – Guest Speakers Dr Lynette Hodges & Dr Ros Vallings
The ANZMES Annual General Meeting will be held on
the 26th November 2016
Time: – 1.00pm.
Venue: – Auckland CCS Disability Action, Kauri Room – (Bottom of Drive)
14 Erson Avenue, Royal Oak, Auckland. The centre, which overlooks One Tree Hill, is close to the airport and the Royal Oak Shopping Centre. It has plenty of car parking and is well serviced by local buses. If you have any queries please telephone Debbie on 09 269634 or 03 4716203
At 1.30pm our guest speaker Dr Lynette Hodges Lecturer in Exercise and Sport Science from Massey University will share about her research into assessing responses to repeated exercise testing in patients with ME/CFS. This is being done along with Professor Warren Tate from the Otago University who is carrying out research in finding a biomarker for ME/CFS. Other tests being performed are arterial stiffness assessment, blood samples, brief neuropsychological tests, exercise testing lasting for approximately 12 minutes on a cycle ergometer and an exercise recovery questionnaire.
Our next speaker Dr Ros Vallings will share the very exciting news coming out in a number of research studies internationally which are confirming with one another definite Biomarkers for ME/CFS.
WellMe Wellington AGM. Guest Speaker Dr Ros Vallings
WellMe Wellington are holding their AGM on the 6th September 2016.
Dr Ros Vallings will be speaking at 1.20 after the AGM
Level 1, Anvil House, Wakefield Street, Wellington.
Public transport from all districts nearby and carparking available at Wellington City Council carpark opposite venue.
Refreshments provided. Gold coin donation/koha.