Dry July – Energy Drink Free to raise awareness for ME/CFS

Hi there. My name is Jeremy and I’m an addict.
No my addiction isn’t alcohol – it’s something much worse…..Energy Drinks.
The first thing I do in the morning is crack open a can of ‘V’ and call that my breakfast.
Throughout the day I drink numerous cans and the end result becomes approximately a litre or more every day.
This may seem hilarious to some but it’s a major addiction and a serious problem.
The amount of caffeine and sugar inside energy drinks is ridiculous and I’ve become completely dependent on it to function in my day to day life.
You can view Jeremy’s Givealittle page here



As part of the 2019 Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year Awards, the winners in the Local Heroes category were presented with their awards tonight at a special medal presentation ceremony held at the Northland Events Centre in Whangarei

Back row L to R: Paul Reyburn (Collected on behalf of Kerry Reyburn), Malcolm McKerrow, Patrick Newman, Brent Martin, Brian McLachlan

Middle row L to R: Pam Stevens, Tanya Filia, Elyse Lewis, Fay Colthurst, Ellen Norman, Ciaran Torrington, Major Christopher Williams

Front row L to R: Warren Daniel, Nigel Ross, Liane Blair, Virginia Eiger, Robyn Warin, Ada Fleet, Dr Rosamund Vallings (Auckland recipient), Greta Harman, Craig Harman

Absent:  Heather Stanley




To be completed and sent in by the 5th December 2016

Survey link is:

There are some key points that it will be useful for you to understand before filling out the survey.

  1. It is totally voluntary to complete the survey.
  2. Completion of the survey is anonymous and so we will not know who has completed the survey or be able to link a person with their responses.
  3. All the responses will be joined together so only group information will be used.
  4. The final statistics from the survey will be shared with others.  For example it may be shared with the media via a press release. This information will also be used for lobbying.

We are aware that ME/CFS has a large impact is a variety of areas and so we could have included many areas in this survey, however, we are also aware that completing a long survey would not be possible for many people with ME/CFS and so we have not been able to include all the areas.

We would encourage you to complete the survey, as the more people who complete the survey the more notice others will take of the results. If you know others with ME/CFS please encourage them to complete the survey as well.

The results will be summarised in the Meeting Place and on the ANZMES website.

ME Awareness Day the 12th of May – Letter to Parliament

The 12th of May is ME Day and this is a time when we encourage our members or those who wish to support us, by writing a letter to local Members of Parliament to make them aware of ME/CFS in the community.

If you would like to take part please download the form letter, fill it in by following the procedures below and send in to your local MP. We thank you for your support.


  • Fill in your name and address
  • Fill in the name of your MP
  • Sign the letter
  • Address the envelope
  • Post the letter, there is no postage needed on letters addressed to MP’s at Parliament Building, Wellington.

v    Address the envelope:

Member of Parliament’s name
Parliament Office
Private Bag 18888
Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160

You do not need to affix a postage stamp.

Post the letter.

Your letter will count. It may take time, but there is influence in the number of letters received

Mark on you Calendars – Annual General Meeting – 7th November 1PM

The Annual General Meeting has been Scheduled for the 7th of November at 1PM at the Independent Living Services Conference Facility Room which is half way down the drive at 14 Erson Ave Royal Oak Auckland.

Professor Warren Tate will be speaking about his research into finding a Bio Marker so that a definitive will be made possible to allow Doctors to make a diagnoses more easily.  The research group are examining thousands of molecules and blood cells and in plasma to identify biochemical pathways that may not be functioning properly.  Dr Ros Vallings will be speaking about the latest research on ME/CFS that has been released internationally .

All welcome.

A hot drink and afternoon tea will follow the meeting.

Independent Living services

Podcast lecture that Dr Ros Vallings made at Dunedin meeting on 22nd September.

Dr Ros Valling’s lecture on 22nd September, 2014.

Doctor Ros Vallings lecturing.


Thanks to Ros Vallings for coming to Dunedin and lecturing medical students. The following podcast was made for ongoing education for medical students.

ME/CFS Public Lecture in Dunedin, 22nd September.


Dr Ros Vallings - New Zealand Order of Merit
Dr Ros Vallings guest speaker.


Guest Speaker- Dr Ros Vallings

Dr Ros Vallings is going to give an overview of ME/CFS,  Management and the latest International Research.

To be held on Monday the 22nd September
at 12 Noon till 12.55 pm

Colquhoun Lecture Theatre

Dunedin Hospital


For more information contact:(03) 4716203 or (03) 4716169 or info@anzmes.org.nz

Sponsored by MEISS  and ANZMES

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