ANZMES is supporting Gavin in his project and will be using his work
for awareness raising and to advocate for those with ME/CFS. We thank
Gavin for this opportunity.
I am a photographer working on a portrait series on living with ME/CFS.
For this series, I am looking for people who are willing to sit for a
portrait and talk about how ME/CFS has impacted them.
The purpose of the project is to increase awareness and understanding
of how living with the condition impacts people’s lives in a very real
This series will consist of a portrait series and personal stories of
those living with ME/CFS and will culminate in an online exhibition.
As well as ANZMES having the images and stories for their use as a
resource to further their advocacy work.
My partner lives with ME/CFS so I have an understanding of the
condition and a motivation to increase awareness of it.
If you are interested in being involved and telling your story. Please
don’t hesitate to get in touch
Gavin McGregor