What is World ME Day?
It’s the day the international ME/CFS community raises awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It used to be called ME Awareness Day but this year it’s going global hence: World ME Day.
When is it?
May 12th
What is the message of World ME Day?
The short answer is #LearnFromME.
And the long answer?
- People with ME/CFS are the experts of their lived experience and how to manage their debilitating illness. Let’s listen to and learn from them.
- Rigorous biomedical research is happening, some of it right here in NZ. Let’s learn from the findings – and fund more research to learn even more.
- We have too few health professionals with evidence-based knowledge and experience in managing ME/CFS. Let’s learn from those we do have – and train many more.
- People with ME/CFS have valuable insights to offer those facing Long COVID or other post-infectious disease. Let’s show them how they can #LearnFromME.
What is happening on World ME Day?
In NZ go no further than this page. On May 12 it will host the Learn From ME Event featuring presentations from NZ experts in biochemistry, immunology, and general practice. It will also include interviews with people with ME/CFS and Long COVID. See schedule below.
Sounds like people with ME/CFS need all the help they can get, anything I can do?
Absolutely. And it’s easy.
Visit and Like the Facebook page Learn From ME and share the content with your community and networks, so that everyone can #LearnFromME.
Whether you have 60 seconds, 5 minutes or longer, check out all the ways to participate at: https://worldmeday.org
Tell someone about what you’ve learned from and about ME/CFS – talk with family/whānau, carers, friends, colleagues, peers, politicians, government, general public, and medical and allied health professionals.
Be a champion for people with ME/CFS, many are too ill to advocate for themselves. Ensure their needs are heard and insist they are met. Share information with people facing Long COVID or similar chronic illness so they too can #LearnFromME.

I’m in! Where do I get more information?
The Learn From ME page on Facebook provides evidence-based content so that medical and healthcare professionals, the ME/CFS community, and the general public can access accurate, reliable, expert information to learn from ME. It also provides real-world lived experience of what it is like to live with this chronic illness, and offers support to those going through Long COVID and similar conditions.
Who is behind World ME Day?
The World ME Alliance (previously IAFME). The national organisation for New Zealand – ANZMES is a Founding Member. Supporting NZ organisations can be found at the bottom of this page and international World ME Alliance partners here.
Learn From ME Event Schedule
Tune here right here, May 12th
Learn From ME Event
Thank you for joining us today for this #WorldMEDay Event. Find out more ways you can participate by clicking here:
Kate Duder interviews
Professor Warren Tate
Dr. Rosamund Vallings
Dr. Anna Brooks
Participate in World ME Day
You can create your own poster and share to social media.
You can share content from here, there, or our social media pages.
Create your own poster: here
Find out what is going on around the globe:
Visit these pages and share content:
Learn From ME is a collaborative initiative created and run by ME/CFS non-profit organisations and regional groups throughout New Zealand to raise awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and associated conditions including Long COVID. This collaboration includes: