Media Links

Videos and articles to watch about ME/CFS

  • As a part of her book release, Ros is featured in the Listener magazine in the issue of 1  September. The new Front Person of ANZMES has also been interviewed.
  • TVNZ Good Morning Show, Tuesday 11 September
    Dr Ros Vallings (ANZMES medical specialist) is interviewed about her new book “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome M.E. Symptoms, Diagnosis & Management” and about ME/CFS  together with former rugby league star Richie Barnett who talks about his experience with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
    You can watch the on-demand video on the TVNZ site
  • Dunedin Forum on ME/CFS
    On the 5th of August 2013 a Forum was held in the Dunedin Barnett Theater hosted by Andrew Bradstock.
    The Title of the Forum was “ME/CFS. What do we know about it and how does it challenge our attitudes. Prof Warren Tate ( Dunedin researcher of ME/CFS), Heather Wilson ( ANZMES committee member), and Richie Barnett (NZ face of ANZMES) took part. There was a time of questions at the end of the forum.
  • ME Association Conference, London, June  2014. Summary by Dr Rosamund Vallings. ANZMES has sponsored Dr Vallings to attend this conference and write up this report for ANZMES


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