Petition read today

The ANZMES petition to reclassify ME/CFS as a disability was read in parliament at 2pm Tuesday 20th September 2022. It is now with the select committee, and ANZMES will provide a written submission to the committee before the deadline of 7th October.

Radio New Zealand provided coverage on The Panel with guest Kate Waterworth from AUT speaking about the petition with panelists Mark Sainsbury and Amy Carter. (minute 9:18).

Photo Credit: Marcus Aurelius on Pexels.

Professor Warren Tate spoke with Charlotte Ryan on the Afternoon show:

ANZMES President Fiona Charlton discussed the petition with Nick Truebridge on Checkpoint:

Dr. Tanisha Jowsey, of University of Auckland discusses the need to classify ME as a disability with Casper on The Wire at 95b FM. (minute 48:29):

On Science Media Centre, Prof. Tate, Kate Waterworth, and Dr. Tanisha Jowsey provide their expert opinion on whether ME/CFS should be reclassified:

Scoop published the ANZMES press release and so did Voxy.

It even got a mention on George FM.

Have you heard coverage of the story? Send us an email and tell us where you heard or read about the petition to reclassify ME/CFS as a disability.

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