Mark your calendar!
Dr. Ros Vallings and Dr. Sarah Dalziel are speaking at some events organised in New Zealand, Australia, and USA over the next few months.
If you’re interested in attending the NZ based talks please contact CCIS. Thank you.
Thursday 13th May 2021 – Dr Vallings to speak in Hamilton for CCIS Waikato providing a research update, and speaking about the implications of Covid-19.
10.30 am at Melville Methodist Church, Bader Street, Hamilton
Friday 14th May 2021 – Dr Sarah Dalziel to speak in an online event with CCIS. Dr Dalziel, is Dr Vallings’ daughter and also has a special interest in ME/CFS. Contact Tabitha if you would like to attend, and to submit your questions for Dr Dalziel:
Saturday 3rd July 2021 – CCIS Support 40th Anniversary in Tauranga, Bay of Plenty.
Speakers include Prof. Warren Tate, Dr. Ros Vallings and Dr. Sarah Dalziel. Venue to be arranged.
19-21 August 2021 – IACFS Virtual conference (based in USA) – programme to be arranged.
16th and 17th November 2021 – NCNED, Griffith University, Queensland for the 2nd ME/CFS International Conference 2021 – Research Innovation and Discovery – programme to be arranged