Disclaimer: These support organisations, social groups, and individuals mentioned, are independently run, and not monitored by ANZMES. Organisations listed are non-profit registered charities (Complex Chronic Illness Support, ME Support, ME/CFS Canterbury and West Coast, MEISS Otago/Southland, ME Respite). Individual social groups listed here, have received initial training packs from ANZMES but are not regulated, and may not be associated with an organisation.
ME Support
Our client support coordinators provide free assistance to Aucklanders, their carers, family, and others in the community affected by supporting people with ME/CFS, Long COVID and related conditions, plus online support to anyone affected by these conditions throughout New Zealand.
Website: https://www.mesupport.org.nz/
Phone: 0800 632 553
Email: info@mesupport.org.nz
Facebook: ME/CFS Support Group NZ: https://www.facebook.com/groups/110616075638479/
(Please note: This group accepts members from all over New Zealand)
Online Support Groups: ME Support hosts both online informal social groups and structured groups with guest speakers. These groups are run once a month – please see their Facebook events page for updated details and information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/110616075638479/events
Face to Face Support Groups: ME Support hosts monthly face-to-face groups for members in West and South Auckland, and bi-monthly for East and Central groups. Please see their Facebook events page for updated details and information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/110616075638479/events
For more information about ME Support’s online and face-to-face support groups, you can contact them by email on info@mesupport.org.nz
ME RESPITE (Formally Rest Assured Respite Charitable Trust)
ME RESPITE provides practical support to those with ME/CFS and related illnesses. We offer Well Being Calls, Social Events and Support Groups, Meal Programs, Education, Mentoring and Targeted Support.
Our team are here to help and you can reach out to us at:
Website: https://merespite.org.nz/
Email: info@merespite.org.nz
Landline: 092638326
Mobile: 0276638326
Freefone: 0800638326 (0800 ME TEAM)
Facebook: facebook.com/merespite
Instagram: instagram.com/merespitenz
Linked in: linkedin.com/company/merespite
Bay of Plenty, Lakes, Waikato, Wellington, Nelson, National
Complex Chronic Illness Support (CCIS) Inc. Head Office
Contact: Miranda Whitwell – CEO
Website: www.ccisupport.org.nz
Email: info@ccisupport.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mecfsbop
Phone: 0800 224 787 or 07 281 1481
Phone or Text: 022 658 0251
Health and Wellness Facilitators
We have qualified Health and Wellness Facilitators who work 1:1 with members and the community to provide support, mentoring, advice, counselling, and advocacy.
Support Group Meetings
The online support group meetings offer the opportunity for members to learn more about the conditions they have and connect with our Health and Wellness Facilitators, and to share ideas and support with one another.
Social Groups
The CCI Support social groups are available in person in the Bay of Plenty, Lakes, Waikato and Wellington.
Online we have a Nelson/Marlborough Support group, Mens, Doing it alone, Mums, Supporters and many other social groups.
Regular Meditation and Mindfulness workshops are being held, as well as in person (Bay of Plenty) and online Restorative Movement Workshops. We also run supporters’ workshops for those who support people living with ME/CFS, Long COVID and Fibromyalgia
Towards Wellness Programme
The CCI Support Towards Wellness Programme offers the best of research-based knowledge into an easy-to-understand package to help people living with complex chronic illness begin to find their next steps towards wellness.
Private Facebook Group
A great way to meet people throughout New Zealand, that are travelling the same journey as you. For support, encouragement and information.
CCI Support creates and distributes a comprehensive newsletter to our members, including up-to-date research, information, strategies, techniques, wellness stories, plus links to events and meetings.
CCI Support Western Bay of Plenty (Tauranga)
Email: wbop@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone or Text: 027 625 4449
CCI Support Waikato (Hamilton)
Email: waikato@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone or Text: 022 154 7076
CCI Support Eastern Bay of Plenty (Whakatane)
Email: wbop@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone or Text: 027 625 4449
CCI Support Lakes (Rotorua)
Email: wbop@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone or Text: 027 625 4449
CCI Support Wellington
Email: wellington@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone or Text: 027 245 5961
CCI Support Nelson
Email: nelson@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone or Text: 022 500 1670
CCIS National
Email: nz@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone or Text: 022 500 1670
Canterbury and West Coast
ME/CFS Canterbury / West Coast Charitable Trust
(trading as MECFS Canterbury)
Website: https://www.mecfscanterbury.nz/
Email: info@mecfscanterbury.nz
Phone: 03 365 5887 or 020 4027 0176
Find us on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mecfscanterburyinc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mecfs_canterbury/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mecfs-canterbury/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mecfscanterbury3547
Our Services:
Group meetings around our region and online
We host a range of events around our region, both online and in-person (Christchurch, Timaru, Rangiora, Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika). Sometimes we invite expert speakers, other times we may have a topic for discussion, or we gather to do an activity together or just to chat.
For up-to-date information, see our event calendar https://www.mecfscanterbury.nz/how-we-help/group-meetings-and-events or sign up as a member to receive meeting notifications by email.
Registered Nurse Service
Our Registered Nurses enable people to access a diagnosis, symptom management and other supports. The Nurse can also talk to your health team, education provider, and workplace, to improve understanding and to discuss care and accommodations.
For more info visit https://www.mecfscanterbury.nz/how-we-help/registered-nurse-service
Online Peer Support Forum
We invite people affected by ME/CFS and Long COVID throughout the South Island to join our peer support group on Facebook to share information and experiences, and to support each other. Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mecfssupportgroupcanterbury/
Other Services
We also provide a Work and Income advocacy service, library, newsletter and other services. For more info visit https://www.mecfscanterbury.nz/how-we-help
Gisborne – East Coast
Contact: Moira Lewis
Phone: 027 457 6923
Email: moiralewis@xtra.co.nz
CCI Support Waikato (Hamilton, Cambridge, Te Awamutu, and surrounding areas)
Email: waikato@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone or Text: 022 154 7076
Napier / Hawkes Bay
Contact: Sandra Forsyth
Phone: 021 024 765 95
Email: ME.CFS.HawkesBay@gmail.com
Nelson, Blenheim and Marlborough
CCI Support National
Email: nz@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone or Text: 022 500 1670
Otago and Southland
MEISS ‘ME Information and Support Service’ Otago and Southland Inc.’
Area covers – Dunedin, Oamaru and Invercargill
Contact: Kerry Lanauze and Heather Wilson
Phone: (03) 471 6169 or 022 493 2127
Email: meiss.support@gmail.com
MEISS Website link
Support group meetings are held in Dunedin on the last Tuesday of the month. They are Zoom meetings at present so those home and bedbound can attend. The link is provided in our newsletter. This zoom meeting is available for anyone in the Otago/Southland region.
Invercargill – Southland
Phone: (03) 471-6169 for inquiries
Support group meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month. Meetings are led by Christine McKercher.
East Otago Support Group – Gore
Contact: Christine McKercher
Phone: (03) 208-0111
East Otago Support Group – Gore
Contact: John Ibbitson
Phone: (03) 208 6966
Contact: Suzanne Duffy
Phone: (03) 689-8847
Email: n.s.riviera@xtra.co.nz
NZcare4ME is a Facebook support group for carers of young people with ME/CFS and related illnesses. We provide a local (NZ) forum for friendly supportive chat, links to latest research and pathways to help. Some regions have begun their own meet ups
Palmerston North
Palmerston North ME/FM support group
Contact: Leah Baken
Phone: (06) 3267305
Email: memanawatu@gmail.com
CCIS Lakes (Rotorua)
Email: lakes@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone or Text: 020 4017 9091
Taranaki/New Plymouth
Support Group based in New Plymouth
contact: Stacey 0274274783
Email: Stacey – staceace77@hotmail.com
Support Group meetings are held on the 1st of every month from 10am – 11am. Meetings are held at The Kitchen Table Cafe, 30 Hori Street, Vogeltown, New Plymouth.
Wellington and surrounding areas
CCIS Wellington
Email: wellington@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone: 027 245 5961
Social Coffee Group for ME/CFS/Fibro sufferers is being set up
Phone: Linda Deakin 021 148 8553 (anytime for information)
CCIS Eastern Bay of Plenty (Whakatane)
Email: ebop@ccisupport.org.nz
Phone or Text: 020 4017 9092
Contact people in areas where no support group is present, or ‘not necessarily affiliated with a support group’
Karamea – Janet Lodge
Email: janliza888@gmail.com
Rosemary Christiansen
Phone: (03) 972 3853 10am – 6pm only
Email: rosedawn.c@gmail.com
North Canterbury – Christine Benson
Phone: (03) 314 2340 10am – 6pm only
Email: benlea@actrix.co.nz
Rangiora – Julia Raymer
Email: juliaraymer@orcon.net.nz
Nelson – Miriam Gratton
Phone: 027-243-7124
Email: auntsally01@msn.com