On Wednesday 12th October Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health
Organization, wrote an op-ed in the Guardian. In it, he lays clear the devastation that Long COVID is
causing around the world, and sets out five key elements of a plan to drive change.
It is vital that the impact of Long COVID is recognised at the highest levels, and the World ME Alliance
congratulates Dr Ghebreyesus on this stance.
However, as more research is undertaken, it is becoming clearer that a large proportion of those
with Long COVID now meet the criteria for an ME/CFS diagnosis. The WHO must recognise this as efforts to find treatments and a cure continue.
The World ME Alliance (of which ANZMES is a founding member) has written to Dr Ghebreyesus calling on him to meet with representatives.

Dr Ghebreyesus has previously committed to reaching out to ME experts, and we hope that through collaborative efforts we can learn from ME, and ensure that progress for people with Long COVID doesn’t leave the millions already suffering with ME behind.
Read the full letter from the World ME Alliance and its 19 members below.