Annual General Meeting

The ANZMES Annual General Meeting will be held on
7 November 2015 at 1.00 PM in the
Independent Living Services Meeting Room
Erson Ave.
Royal Oak, Auckland

If you would like to skip the AGM then you are warmly invited to the ANZMES Seminar which will take place at 1.30pm directly after the AGM.

Our guest speakers will be Professor Warren Tate who works for the Bio Chemistry Dept at the University of Otago. He will update us on his research into finding a Bio Marker for ME/CFS. Dr Ros Vallings will be talking about her new book that has just been published for young people with ME/CFS and she will also update us on the latest promising international research. Richie Barnett our Face of ME will speak about his experience with ME/CFS.  ALL WELCOME! Afternoon Tea Provided.

Professor Tate                 Dr Ros Vallings            Richie Barnett

otago006628Dr VallingsRichie

Mini Seminar Dunedin – Dr Ros Vallings.

dunedin-community-house1MEISS (Otago and Southland) Inc.

Dr Ros Vallings is holding a Mini Seminar upstairs at the Dunedin Community House in Moray Place on October the 9th at 1 PM. Dr Vallings will be talking about her newly published book “Managing ME/CFS, A guide for young people” and she will also update everyone on the latest international research.  All welcome, afternoon tea provided.

Rotorua Support Group Meeting – Report on the London conference –

Rotorua GroupThe Rotorua ME/CFS Support Group

will be holding a meeting on the 21st of August 2015 at

The venue is at the Bainbridge Centre, Old Taupo Rd, Rotorua.

Guest Speaker will be Dr Ros Vallings, who will be presenting her report on the 10th International ME Conference which was held recently in London.



Afternoon Tea will be provided.

All Welcome!

Rotorua Support Group Meeting – Report on the London conference –

Rotorua GroupThe Rotorua ME/CFS Support Group

will be holding a meeting on the 21st of August 2015 at

The venue is at the Bainbridge Centre, Old Taupo Rd, Rotorua.

Guest Speaker will be Dr Ros Vallings, who will be presenting her report on the 10th International ME Conference which was held recently in London.



Afternoon Tea will be provided.

All Welcome!

Book on ME/CFS for Young People

Dr Ros Vallings has just published her new book
Managing ME/CFS – A Guide for Young People
It is available from Calico Publishing  for $29.95

If you are a young person who has just been diagnosed with ME or
CFS you will find a sympathetic voice in this book.

* Clearly explains this complicated illness
* Includes stories from young people
* Packed with great tips
* Shows you how to create the
* Best chance for recovery.

A ‘must read’ for adolescents and adults alike. – Dr Nancy Klimas
Professor Emerita, University of Miami School of Medicine,
United States

Dr Vallings

Dr Vallings new book
Dr Vallings new book

10th Invest in ME International ME Conference


ANZMES sponsored Dr Vallings to attend the IIMEC Conference.

The 10th Invest in ME International ME conference was held on the 29th of May this year in London with speakers.
Dr. Ian Gibson – Chair
Professor Ian Charles (Keynote Speech) Solving ME: What a Research Park Has to Offer in Resolving a Chronic Disease
Professor Mady Hornig Markers of Immunity and Metabolism in ME/CFS
Professor Jonas Bergquist Proteomics in ME/CFS
Dr. Luis Nacul Incidence and Prevalence of ME
Dr. Amolak Bansal Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis: Combining clinic and research
Professor Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik, Dr Don Staines (To be confirmed) Update from National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases – NCNED
IiME Projects Student Researchers: The Next Generation
Dr. Jo Cambridge B-cell biology and ME/CFS
Dr. Neil Harrison Immune-Brain Communication and Relationship to Inflammation
Dr. John Chia ME and Chronic Enterovirus Infection: An Update on pathogenesis.
Dr. Claire Hutchinson Biomarkers for ME: Visual Processing and ME/CFS
Professor Betsy Keller Molecular markers before/after exercise /Activity guidelines to avoid symptom flares
Dr. Oystein Fluge, Professor Olav Mella Multi-centre Rituximab Clinical Trial for ME/CFS

Please see Dr Vallings Report from the Conference below.

10th Invest in ME International ME Conference Ros Vallings


Mark on you Calendars – Annual General Meeting – 7th November 1PM

The Annual General Meeting has been Scheduled for the 7th of November at 1PM at the Independent Living Services Conference Facility Room which is half way down the drive at 14 Erson Ave Royal Oak Auckland.

Professor Warren Tate will be speaking about his research into finding a Bio Marker so that a definitive will be made possible to allow Doctors to make a diagnoses more easily.  The research group are examining thousands of molecules and blood cells and in plasma to identify biochemical pathways that may not be functioning properly.  Dr Ros Vallings will be speaking about the latest research on ME/CFS that has been released internationally .

All welcome.

A hot drink and afternoon tea will follow the meeting.

Independent Living services

Dr Kathy Rowe – Understanding Young People and ME/CFS

Link – To purchase Dr Rowe’s DVD – DVD cost $10

Dr Kathy Rowe, a top Australian Paediatrician toured New Zealand in November 2014.

Over the past 44 years, she has achieved outstanding national and international recognition for her work in adolescent health.

Kathy is widely acclaimed as a caring, dedicated consultant physician, in the Centre for Adolescent Health at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital. She has also held academic appointments in the University of Melbourne’s Department of Paediatrics, involved in teaching, research and clinical work.

She is an expert in the area of chronic fatigue syndrome, having worked tirelessly and championed its cause when it was not fashionable.

Neil Morris kindly produced a DVD for ANZMES and this can be purchased from the link posted above.

Institute of Medicine – Evidence Base for ME/CFS

Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the National Insti­tutes of Health, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Social Security Administration asked the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to convene an expert committee to examine the evidence base for ME/CFS. In Beyond Myal­gic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Redefining an Illness, the com­mittee proposes new diagnostic criteria that will facilitate timely diagnosis and care and enhance understanding among health care providers and the public.

A comprehensive coverage can be found on this link below

Institute of Medicine Report

Please see Dr Charles Shepherd Response to the report on the link below

Charles Shepherd Response

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