Dr Vallings’ Public Presentation on ME/CFS & FM Diagnosis and Management – based on the latest research held in Nelson on Monday 11th of February.
There was a good turnout with around 90 people attending the meeting.
Dr Ros Vallings talk was very informative, helpful and well received; there were some great questions afterwards. Dr Vallings was able to explain such a lot, so clearly in a relatively short period of time and yet give everyone something helpful to take away with them
A lot of positive feedback was received on the day of the meeting and afterwards via email.
Some of those in attendance expressed how Dr Vallings had helped to validate their experience of the illness which brought comfort to them.
A highlight of the meeting was that Doris Gilbertson, who has been an active member in the Nelson region for 40 years, (and who was known by Dr Vallings) celebrated her 93rd Birthday on the day of the meeting, so the Nelson group took the opportunity to honour her work and commemorate her birthday at the same time (see photograph below)
Two display tables were put out with both Local and National Resources. Many of these resources were picked up. There were 14 people who signed up to join the Nelson group and email list on the day
A meeting for GP’s was also held and despite the fires at the time a good number turned out for the meeting. All in all it was a very beneficial visit by Dr Vallings.
Clare Moody (Report Abridged )