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BenefitMe is a new website aimed at helping people find what benefits they can receive.

There are lots of Work and Income benefits for people who need help in Aotearoa New Zealand, but it can be hard to know which ones you can get. BenefitMe helps you find out what you’re eligible for and what happens if things in your life change.

BenefitMe is a community effort to put some power back into the hands of the public, so anyone can find the support and services they’re legally eligible for and be more able to engage from a position of confidence with government departments.

Payments currently supported:                                     

  • JobSeeker    
  • Sole Parent Support                                       
  • Disability Allowance
  • Accommodation Supplement 
  • Emergency Benefit (see Discretionary benefits)

BenefitMe is an initiative by the Digital Aotearoa Collective (DAC), a civil society group committed to addressing injustice and improving wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand. Click the link to find more about BenefitMe

ANZMES Survey 2020

To be completed and sent in by 15th December 2020

The Survey Link is:

1. It is totally voluntary to complete the survey. 

2.  Completion of the survey is anonymous and so we will not know who has completed the survey or be able to link a person with their responses.

3. All the responses will be joined together so only group information will be used.

4. The final statistics from the survey will be shared with others.  For example it may be shared with the media via a press release. This information will also be used for lobbying. 

We are aware that ME/CFS has a large impact in a variety of areas so we could have included many areas in this survey however, we are also aware that completing a long survey would not be possible for many people with ME/CFS so we have not been able to include all the areas.

We would encourage you to complete the survey, as the more people who complete the survey the more notice others will take of the results. If you know others with ME/CFS please encourage them to complete the survey as well. 

The results will be summarised in the Meeting Place and on the ANZMES website.

ME Day – 12th May 2020

Today, 12th of May 2020 is ME Day!

As part of ANZMES awareness raising we are sending out these posters.

Could you please share them far and wide so many people get the message
that ME is an invisible Illness

You can see a broken leg or arm as you have a cast on but many of the symptoms of ME are invisible and can not be seen.

Sharing these posters helps raise awareness and understanding.

Take Care and be kind to yourselves.

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