Press Release – ANZMES Awards $25K Grant and $10K in Scholarships to Advance ME/CFS and long COVID Research 2024

For Immediate Release – 8/10/2024

The Associated New Zealand Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Society (ANZMES) is delighted to announce the recipients of their 2024 Research Grant and Scholarship Programme. ANZMES, the leading National Advisory on ME launched the programme in 2023 to support groundbreaking research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and long COVID. The programme can offer two $25,000 research grants to postgraduate students and academic researchers, specifically aimed at advancing laboratory-based studies. In addition, four $5,000 scholarships are available to support students undertaking ME/CFS and long COVID research in fields such as Health Sciences, Public Health, and Humanities. The programme is designed to foster a new generation of researchers and contribute vital knowledge to these under-researched conditions, which affect millions globally​​.

“This is our second year offering the programme, and we are very pleased to have received strong scholarship applications this year. We encourage postgraduate students to consider their Masters/PhD topics now, for next year’s funding round. In programmes with relatively low costs, scholarships can be used to help pay fees or study and living expenses,” says Fiona Charlton, ANZMES president.

This year, ANZMES has selected three outstanding researchers whose innovative projects will contribute to the growing body of knowledge in this field. Each recipient has been awarded significant funding to pursue their work, advancing ME/CFS and long COVID research in critical new directions.

Meet the 2024 Grant and Scholarship Recipients:

Associate Professor Mona Jeffreys and Kahurangi Dey
Victoria University of Wellington
Project: Exploring the Prevalence and Determinants of Food Insecurity in People with ME/CFS and/or Long COVID
This study, conducted in partnership with research candidate Kahurangi Dey, investigates food insecurity among individuals with ME/CFS and long COVID. The project will not only quantify the prevalence of food insecurity but will also contribute to the creation of an ME/CFS Registry in New Zealand, a vital resource for future research​.

“We are delighted to have been awarded a research grant from ANZMES. For many decades, research into ME/CFS has been overlooked, and these grants fill an important gap. Our research explores aspects of food insecurity in people with ME/CFS and Long Covid. Kahurangi is an expert in kai research, and Mona an expert in Long Covid, as well as living with ME/CFS. Of interest to us are the complexities and interrelationships between food access and utilisation for people living with chronic illnesses. We will be designing and distributing an online survey about food insecurity and barriers that people with ME/CFS and Long Covid face. Respondents will also be asked if they would like to be included in an ME/CFS Registry – it is essential that we start to count how many people are living with ME/CFS.” – Mona and Kahurangi

Melissa Blanc
Auckland University of Technology
Project: Exercise in ME/CFS Patients: Helpful or Harmful? A Systematic Review
Melissa Blanc’s systematic review aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of exercise programmes for ME/CFS patients. With ongoing controversy regarding exercise as a treatment for ME/CFS, this research will address potential harms and benefits to ensure that exercise recommendations are based on high-quality evidence​.

“It is exciting to be selected for this scholarship. I hope this systematic review will be a valuable contribution to the body of evidence on the topic of exercise use in ME/CFS patients, and that it will help to improve the quality of life of ME/CFS patients.” – Melissa

Beth Hobbs
Victoria University of Wellington
Project: Psychological Support for ME/CFS Patients in Canterbury
Beth Hobbs, is applying to become a registered psychology intern to work with people and will eventually be working with ME/CFS patients in Canterbury to provide critical psychological services. This project focuses on the impact of long-term illness and psychological support to improve patient outcomes, with a particular emphasis on housebound patients​.

“Becoming a psychologist in the field of health has been a long-standing passion of mine. I feel incredibly honoured to have received the ANZMES Scholarship. The scholarship is intended to be used towards funding psychology registration training and an internship working directly with those experiencing symptoms of ME/CFS in Canterbury. ME/CFS has always been a strong focus in my work and study, which has strengthened with the rise of Long COVID. The negative psychological and emotional effects of ME/CFS can cause significant distress for the individual and their whānau, and deeply concerns the ME/CFS community. It will be an absolute privilege to work towards ameliorating people’s distress and assist those living with this challenging condition to enjoy a better quality of life and sense of self. My sincere gratitude to ANZMES for this opportunity!” – Beth

Associate Professor Mona Jeffreys and Kahurangi Dey (co-applicants) will receive a $25,000 grant, while Melissa Blanc and Beth Hobbs will each receive $5,000 scholarships to support their work.

ANZMES President, Fiona Charlton, expressed her excitement about the calibre of this year’s recipients “Each year, we are inspired by the dedication and innovation of our researchers. This year’s recipients not only highlight the urgent need for more research into ME/CFS and Long COVID but also embody the promise of future breakthroughs. We are proud to support their vital work.”

ANZMES continues to lead the charge in supporting vital research that seeks to improve the lives of those affected by ME/CFS and long COVID. Applications for next year’s grants will open in May 2025.

ME/CFS is a complex, debilitating, and often misunderstood medical condition, affecting millions of people worldwide, including at least 25,000 in New Zealand. Despite its widespread impact, there is remarkably little research or funding available.

This ANZMES funding programme was made possible by the generous support of members.

The Grant was awarded by ANZMES on the recommendation of their Grants and Scholarships Subcommittee.

Next year’s funding applications open 31st May 2025.

Visit  for more information, grant regulations, and application forms.

What is ME/CFS?

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), is a complex, chronic illness which affects multiple body systems, including the neurological, immune, and endocrine systems. It manifests through a variety of symptoms such as profound exhaustion, cognitive dysfunction, muscles and joint pain, unrefreshing sleep, headaches, sensory issues, and more. These symptoms are not alleviated by rest and are exacerbated by physical or mental activity. Prevalence in Aotearoa/NZ is estimated due to insufficient coding and tracking in the health system. Prorated overseas data (pre-pandemic) suggests that there were at least 25,000 people living with ME/CFS, that’s 1 in 250 adults and 1 in 134 youth. Based on US medical insurance claims, the NZ figure is more likely to be 45,000. With up to fifty percent of long COVID cases meeting the diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS these numbers will rise exponentially. ME/CFS is currently classified as a “chronic illness” rather than a disability in New Zealand, which poses significant challenges for policy recognition, support services, and funding. As a consequence, the lack of awareness and education among healthcare professionals leads to inaccurate patient diagnosis, and ineffective treatment and management plans.

Who is ANZMES?

We are the National Advisory on ME/CFS (and associated conditions) in Aotearoa/New Zealand. With four decades of knowledge and experience, we are the trusted leaders in ME/CFS research, representation, and education. Our expertise comes from a reputable medical team of advisors, including a world renowned expert and MNZM recipient, a fellow of the Royal NZ College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and a network of academic researchers, clinicians, and representatives from the ME/CFS community. The executive committee comprises experts in their respective fields for governance, policy, leadership, representation, and education.

Always a trail-blazer, it was the first ME charity of its kind in the world, established in 1980, as ANZMES, to provide support, information dissemination, and representation, achieving past outcomes through dedication, passion, time, and knowledge of lived experience. Today, the organisation

leads as a Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Continuing Medical Education (CME) Registered Provider, proud funder of vital research, and steward of the community voice. We continue to disseminate evidence-based best practice. We represent the ME/CFS voice nationally in our advisory capacity, and globally through advocacy and leadership, as a founding member of the World ME Alliance.

ANZMES Grant and Scholarship Programme to Boost ME/CFS and long COVID Research for 2024

ANZMES, New Zealand’s national advisory body for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), is pleased to announce our grant and scholarship programme is now open for the second time for postgraduate students and academic researchers. The programme is aimed at supporting students who are interested in researching ME/CFS and long COVID.

There will be six funding opportunities awarded each year to Postgraduates who undertake research that furthers understanding, treatment, or prevention of ME/CFS and long COVID, including two $25,000 grants to support laboratory research studies and four $5,000 scholarships to support students undertaking research projects. Academic researchers can also apply for the grants.

ME/CFS is a debilitating chronic condition involving overwhelming ongoing fatigue. Although millions of people suffer with the illness worldwide there is remarkably little research or funding available. 

ANZMES President, Fiona Charlton, says “we are excited to offer this programme again for the second year after starting it in 2023. This programme, aims to support the next generation of researchers and innovators to build a vital source of New Zealand based research, contributing to knowledge and scientific progress that will benefit the community.

“Promoting and investing in ME/CFS-focussed research is a core objective of the organisation. Our funding programme is made possible by the support of our members.”

Two grants are being offered for postgraduate studies or academic research in either the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, or Faculty of Sport and Exercise Science to contribute towards the costs of laboratory analysis for a research project on ME/CFS or ME/CFS and long COVID.

Four scholarship awards will be offered each year to students to contribute towards the expenses of studying for a postgraduate degree in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Public Health or Humanities/Social Sciences for a student who can demonstrate financial project cost requirements or study expenses and who are conducting study/research on ME/CFS or ME/CFS and Long COVID.

Applicants will be selected by ANZMES on the recommendation of their Scholarships Committee.

Applications for 2024 awards open 31 May and close 31 July 2024.

Further information and application forms are available at

NICE Revisions backed by evidence

In this article:

The NICE Revisions Explained

The  National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines are the principle clinical guidance for the UK, and are utilised by many other countries, including Aotearoa/New Zealand. In October 2021, the NICE released revised guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).1

The publication of these guidelines represents a significant opportunity to correct historic misinformation about ME/CFS, and to ensure educators and clinicians have current, methodologically-sound evidence to guide their understanding of pathophysiology, assessment, and management.  

Revision of the ME/CFS NICE guidelines occurred over several years (2017-2021) and followed the standard robust NICE review processes. This included evaluation of the research evidence using the GRADE framework, a widely adopted system for formulating clinical practice recommendations.  Analysis of the evaluation was then conducted by a panel of clinicians and lay persons, followed by review by the NICE guideline committee. The Committee was chaired by Clinical advisor and paediatrician Dr. Peter Barry and Vice Chair Baroness Finlay, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Clinical Lead for Palliative Care for Wales.

The major changes in the NICE guidelines for ME/CFS are: 

  • Acknowledgement of the cardinal diagnostic symptom of Post Exertional Malaise (PEM), a worsening of symptoms after activity. 
  • The removal of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Graded Exercise Therapy (GET)  as recommended treatment 
  • The recommendation that Lightning Process should NOT be used to treat ME/CFS 
  • Treatment focus is on symptom management.
summary of recommendation available on NICE website

The historical use of Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET) as a treatment for ME/CFS stemmed from an inaccurate formulation that psychological factors are key in the causation and/or maintenance of symptoms. The risk to people with ME/CFS was that cognitive behavioural techniques urged people to view their symptoms as exaggerated illness behaviours and to counter this by engaging in increasing levels of activity/exercise. Exceeding the energy envelope risks Post Exertional Malaise (PEM) and can result in a prolonged or permanent worsening of the condition.

As evidence of the pathophysiology underlying ME/CFS has mounted, and the potential for harm of CBT and GET has become clear, CBT/GET has been abandoned as a treatment strategy in the USA and many other countries. Major guidance publications have either dropped all reference to these and related therapies, or cautioned against the use of them (e.g. CDC, IoM/NAM).
The 2021 publication of the NICE guidelines likewise clarified that there is insufficient evidence for the use of CBT and GET and removed the recommendation.
The NICE review process also discredited the validity of research included in the 2007 NICE guidelines that claimed these strategies were safe and effective. Evaluations of the quality of evidence used in 2007 to develop these claims, determined that across 172 individual CBT outcomes, as examined across multiple studies, all evidence cited for CBT was found to be of “low” or “very low” methodological quality. Similarly across 64 individual GET outcomes, all evidence for GET was of “low” or “very low” quality. 

The NICE committee took the scrutiny of evidence for psychological therapies a step further by singling out the Lightning Process for additional evaluation. This is a programme, developed by a UK osteopath, that promotes a rudimentary neurolinguistic programming technique as curative of a range of conditions, primarily ME/CFS, and more recently long Covid. The concerns around this programme stem from the formulation that ME/CFS symptoms are a learned response to stress and that alternate responses need to be rewired.  This can result in people engaging in actions that precipitate Post Exertional Malaise thus worsening their condition. The NICE Committee found available evidence for the Lightning Process to be of “very low” quality upon review and now recommends that the Lightning Process not be offered to people with ME/CFS. Furthermore, the British Standard Advertising Authority took legal action against the Lightning Process owners, citing false advertising due to unsubstantiated claims. This action was upheld.

In spite of a lack of evidence for CBT/GET and other therapies such as Lightning Process, there are influential academic and clinical groups in the UK and some European countries, who continue to promote and research psychological interpretations of ME/CFS. In New Zealand, in the face of a proliferation of evidence showing a pathophysiological basis for symptoms, and growing numbers of people being diagnosed with ME/CFS following PASC (long covid), some clinicians in New Zealand remain unaware of this evidence and potential harm, and continue to promote psychological therapies as curative. This is in spite of The Ministry of Health’s recognition of  ME/CFS as biomedical in 2002, and removal of CBT/GET in the clinical advice in the regional Health Pathways in New Zealand from 2019.

In December 2022, the Ministry of Health supported the conclusions of the guidance for ME/CFS published by NICE (2021) saying ‘that ME/CFS is a serious and complex medical condition/disease with varying severity rather than a mental health condition and that there is not a primary psychological basis underlying its development and/or maintenance.’

The NICE Guidelines (2021) now include best practice recommendations for treatment focussing on symptom management and emphasise the importance of energy management techniques, such as pacing, that are proven to be effective in preventing or minimising Post Exertional Malaise (PEM) – the diagnostic characteristic of ME.

“The keys to pacing are knowing when to stop and rest by listening to and understanding one’s own body, taking a flexible approach and staying within one’s limits; different people use different techniques to do this.” – NICE Guidelines 

Final words

ME/CFS is a complex, debilitating condition and best practice care involves a person-centred approach where symptom management is the key to controlling the fluctuating relapse and remittance that occurs. Evidence-based strategies that are shown to be effective are pacing and energy management, and symptom management strategies including a care and support plan, good nutrition, specialist physiotherapy, rest, sleep and pain management.

ANZMES considers the 2021 NICE guidelines to be comprehensive, evidence-based, and backed by a rigorous review process.  We encourage all healthcare professionals, medical bodies, medical schools, and ministry staff (in particular MoH, MSD) in New Zealand to update their understanding of ME/CFS and to become acquainted with the 2021 NICE guidelines.  

It’s one of the biggest challenges in clinical practice in medicine or psychology to try to work with somebody for whom you have no answers, you have no magic bullets. So it is disappointing but one of the reasons we have maybe a shortage of evidence-based treatments for this condition is because of the emphasis on cognitive behavioural therapy and GET … the research is very behind on where it would be if there was actually a level playing field to begin with.
The unfair emphasis on these treatments has created this deficit of knowledge. You have to manage the symptoms of this condition … but to use that as some kind of rationale for retaining therapies that we know are ineffective, doesn’t follow logically.

Professor Brian Hughes, BA, EdM, PhD, Psychology Professor NUI Galway.2

If you are a medical professional or member of a medical body or ministry staff member who would like to know more about ME/CFS, including the up-to-date scientific research, and evidence-based treatment options, please contact ANZMES.

World ME Alliance responds to opinion piece

In July 2023 an article titled “Anomalies in the review process and interpretation of the evidence in the NICE guideline for chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis” was published in the Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery and Psychiatry (JNNP).

The World ME Alliance provided a rapid response to the article which the JNNP chose not to publish.

The World ME Alliance, of which ANZMES is a founding member, is a global collective of national organisations with 27 member organisations (24 at the time of the rapid response).

The full response can be read on the World ME Alliance website.

JNNP publishes detailed NICE response article

On March 1st, 2024, the Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery and Psychiatry (JNNP) published a full article from authors of the NICE guideline on #MECFS, clearly laying out how this guideline is a rigorous and accurate assessment of current knowledge. Through this, the authors demonstrate the reliability and importance of the recommendations on care for people with ME.

Read the full article here:

2Professor Brian Hughes interview minute 19.09:

National Advisory on ME releases Best Practice Guidance with clinician and researcher support.

The Aotearoa/New Zealand National Advisory on ME (ANZMES) has released best practice guidance for the diagnosis and management of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There is a call for national guidelines to be developed in consultation with ANZMES, to ensure only the latest evidence-based research and data is adopted and used by the health profession. New Zealand-based and international reputable ME/CFS and long COVID researchers and clinicians have signed their names in support of this newly released guidance. The document has been sent to the relevant health associations, medical bodies, and medical schools. The document can be seen below:

The words with best practice written with chalk and images of light bulbs one is yellow the rest are white

Executive Summary


As the National Advisory on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), we present the latest updates to best practice international guidelines for immediate use to standardise care in New Zealand.  This document highlights the critical importance of adhering to current, evidence-based recommendations, incorporating expert consensus for the diagnosis and management of ME while moving away from practices that have been proven to be harmful or disproven by contemporary research.


Advances in research have evolved our understanding of ME, refining diagnosis criteria and symptom management. Research now shows clearly that the basis of ME is biomedical rather than psychological, with multi-systemic dysfunction driving pathogenesis and symptom progression. Guidelines for clinical practice reflect this understanding.

Key practice points:

  • The  Institute of Medicine (2015) Criteria are the preferred diagnostic criteria for ME.
  • The Canadian Consensus Criteria are the preferred criteria in research for ME.
  • International guidelines from institutions like the Mayo Clinical Proceedings, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) provide an up-to-date framework for healthcare professionals to navigate the complexities of symptom management in ME.
  • International guidelines uniformly advocate a multidisciplinary approach,  emphasising the identification and management of the cardinal symptom – Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM).
  • Symptom management is the focus of treatment with emphasis on pacing – a free energy management technique used to avoid PEM. Ignoring these guidelines can worsen a patient’s condition.
  • Robust review of evidence has led to the removal of three previously recommended treatments from international guidelines – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Graded Exercise Therapy (GET), Lightning Process. Continuing to perpetuate the prescription of these treatments may cause harm.

International best practice guidelines play a crucial role in standardising care and improving patient outcomes. We are committed to supporting best practice care for people with ME and we offer resources, training and access to up-to-date guidelines that can assist in aligning NZ medical practice with the latest robust, evidence-based recommendations.

Best Practice Guidelines 

Presented below are the most current evidence-based, reputable international guidelines for the diagnosis and management of ME (also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and long COVID.

The landscape of healthcare is constantly evolving, with new research findings and innovative approaches emerging regularly. It is imperative that healthcare professionals stay informed about the latest evidence-based practices and incorporate them into daily routines, therefore enhancing the quality of care provided and ensuring the safety and well-being of patients.

There are longstanding practices that have been widely accepted in the past but have since been debunked or found potentially harmful. It is crucial that we collectively reevaluate and abandon these practices when necessary to prevent harm.

We would like to see national guidelines for New Zealand that follow international guidelines in both primary and secondary care. Standardising care with best practice guidelines eliminates the current postcode lottery for care occurring in our country, and ensures that every individual with ME/CFS, long COVID, and their common comorbidities, is dealt with appropriately, using the latest evidence-based information.

ANZMES has already produced two one-page documents covering pertinent information needed in primary care for diagnosis and management of ME/CFS and long COVID, and will produce guidelines for secondary care in due course.

The appropriate international guidelines for the diagnosis and management of ME are:

  • The Institute of Medicine 20151
  • Canadian Consensus Criteria (CCC)/International Consensus Criteria (ICC)2
  • Mayo Clinic Proceedings3
  • Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)4
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)5

Why follow these Guidelines over others? 


Definitions and diagnosis of ME have advanced as clinical and biomedical understanding of the condition has increased and this is reflected in these guidelines. Over 20 different case definitions have been published with many containing inconsistencies between research and clinical criteria.  

In the past ME was misunderstood and physicians often labelled it as a psychological illness or a form of stress-induced fatigue. Excessively inclusive and inconsistent definitions and criteria initially created misconceptions about ME and led to negative experiences for people seeking diagnosis. For example, in 1991, a group of predominantly psychiatrists published criteria designed for research. This criteria was used for the PACE trial. They recognised a subgroup of people with chronic fatigue present with symptoms after infection. However, they did not exclude those with depression and anxiety, and factored this into the symptom definitions as “mood disturbance.” This has contributed to research in which participants may have had a mental health disorder causing fatigue, rather than ME.6 

As biomedical understanding has increased the diagnostic criteria have evolved,  in particular, to now recognise the multi-systemic nature of the condition and the impairment of the energy and recovery systems that result in Post Exertional Malaise (PEM).

The Institute of Medicine Criteria (IoM) and the International Consensus Criteria (ICC) are currently the most robust diagnostic criteria for clinicians. These set out three primary symptoms that must be present, for a minimum of six months to diagnose ME – PEM, unrefreshing sleep, and unexplained fatigue. At least one other additional symptom must be present – either orthostatic intolerance or cognitive impairment.  Functional impairment must be substantial, with ICC requiring 50% decrease in activity. Case definitions and criteria that do not include PEM, such as Fukuda 19947 are therefore now less commonly used in practice.

The International Consensus Criteria (ICC) was developed as a diagnostic tool for clinicians based on the Canadian Consensus Criteria (CCC). The CCC is considered the strictest criteria and is primarily used in research, superseding Fukuda.

When assessing a patient with a multitude of symptoms the IoM* criteria provide clarity in this process by offering a concise set of required symptoms. The IoM criteria published most recently (2015) are now widely considered to be the best tool for use in clinical settings as they offer a clearer definition than previous guidelines and emphasise the importance of the patient’s subjective experience and the need for thorough case taking and examination. The IoM (2015) can be used for both adults and children.

*IoM is now renamed National Academy of Medicine (NAM).

Symptom Management

Current best practice guidelines from robust unbiased reviews emphasise that all treatment needs to be offered in a way that avoids PEM and recommends that energy expenditure is managed within individual limits. Pacing for people with PEM has been shown to improve quality of life, fatigue severity, and physical functioning.8,9

What is PEM?

Post-Exertional Malaise is the worsening of ME or long COVID symptoms after physical or mental effort and this can happen one or two days after even minor activity.  PEM is also referred to as Post-Exertional Symptom Exacerbation (PESE) and Post-Exertional Neuroimmune Exhaustion (PENE). People with ME describe PEM as “crashing” or “collapsing” with relapse of symptoms.  It is helpful to understand that normally if a person is fatigued after exertion they will rest and then energy will be restored, in ME this physical recovery process is dysfunctional. Studies have identified differences in gene expression, blood volume and oxygen consumption, and mitochondrial function as some potential drivers for this dysfunction. Dysfunction of the regulatory control network within and between the nervous systems is also believed to contribute to the pathophysiology of PEM, which can impact all body systems.10,11 The most common symptoms associated with a PEM flare include body aches, pain, weakness, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and orthostatic intolerance.

What is Pacing?

Pacing is an energy management technique that can be used to help with symptoms related to PEM. Patients are encouraged to stay within their energy envelopes and gradually increase their activity levels over time if possible, while being mindful of their limits and symptoms.  The International Consensus Primer12 highlights the importance of patients learning to become aware of their bodies’ early warning signs that they are beginning to push themselves outside their limits. Useful tools include heart rate monitors, step counters, and temperature monitoring. For example, changes in heart rate (above anaerobic threshold) and reduction in body temperature can be early signals of overexertion.

There are three treatments that are not recommended for ME by international best practice guidelines (Mayo Clinical Proceedings, NICE, and CDC):

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Graded Exercise Therapy
  • Lightning Process 

Why is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Contraindicated as Treatment for ME?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is not recommended as a treatment for ME by leading experts and organisations and is specifically contraindicated in international guidelines. These strategies do not recognise or address the underlying pathophysiological issues.13

While psychological approaches can be supportive they are not evidenced as treatments of the condition.14 There is no evidence to show that CBT can “cure” the physiological and cognitive impairment symptoms of ME and research has been offered to the media in a misleading context, which has led to an exaggerated perception of effectiveness.15 Further independent review has found that “the arguments that are used to claim that NICE was wrong, in reality, highlight the absence of evidence for the safety and efficacy of CBT and GET and strengthen the decision by NICE to drop CBT and GET as curative treatments for ME/CFS.”16

“When you develop therapies based on this psychogenic cognitive-behaviour theory, these therapies do not work, which raises the question of whether the theory works.”
Professor Brian Hughes, BA, EdM, PhD, Psychology Professor NUI Galway

The Mental Health and Addiction division of Manatū Hauora / Ministry of Health clearly stipulates that ME is a complex medical condition rather than a mental health condition (December 2022).

The pathophysiology of ME and Post Exertional Malaise (PEM)

The evidence for the pathophysiology underpinning ME,17 the harm that can result from PEM18 and the value of pacing as a primary strategy has proliferated in the past decade. Speculative theories of ME being associated with deconditioning, exercise avoidance, a somatic perception disorder, or unresolved trauma have been discredited.19,20 This shift from speculation to evidence is now reflected in numerous examples of peer-reviewed research, and in all reputable international guidance. 

Research in New Zealand, under Emeritus Professor Warren Tate and clinician Dr Rosamund Vallings (MNZM) offers insight into the biomedical basis identifying molecular changes in ME patients, including dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, immune regulation, energy production and lowered general metabolism.21 Dysfunction of the regulatory control network within and between the nervous systems is also believed to contribute to the pathophysiology of PEM, which can impact all body systems.22,23 Further research suggests that PEM may be caused by an overactive immune response, leading to increased inflammation in the body. In a study published in the Journal of Translational Medicine, researchers found that ME patients with PEM and higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in their blood, pointing to a potential immunological pathway.24 

In December 2022, the Ministry of Health supported the conclusions of the guidance for ME published by NICE (2021) saying ‘that ME/CFS is a serious and complex medical condition/disease with varying severity rather than a mental health condition and that there is not a primary psychological basis underlying its development and/or maintenance’.25

Why is Graded Exercise Therapy Contraindicated for ME?

Numerous reputable studies and guidelines including the IoM, NICE, Mayo Clinic and the CDC have removed Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) from treatment recommendations due to the potential that this strategy will elicit Post Exertional Malaise (PEM). This potential for harm extends to patients with Long COVID who experience Post Exertional Symptom Exacerbation (PESE), similar to PEM. 

Guidance that recommends GET and CBT has been withdrawn and replaced with pacing and aligned strategies:

  • The large 2011 PACE randomised trial26 which recommended GET and CBT has been robustly reviewed and discredited.27  Activities carried out as part of the PACE trial differ from what is considered “pacing.” Pacing is explained earlier in this document.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention removed CBT/GET from the treatment guidelines in 2017.28
  • Recommendation for CBT/GET originated from the 2007 NICE guidelines. However, these recommendations have now been withdrawn as they were based on nine (9) studies (4 CBT, 5 GET) each of which had significant methodological limitations. The 2021 NICE guidelines,29 DO NOT recommend CBT/GET and are based on 172 CBT and 64 GET study outcomes, which factored methodological limitations into the analysis. Arguments against the NICE review have been found to further highlight the lack of evidence of safety and efficacy for CBT and GET.30 Enclosed please find an explanation of the 2021 NICE review.
  • Consensus Recommendations31 published by Mayo Clinical Proceedings, in November 2021, recommended pacing as an individualised approach to energy conservation and management that can minimise the frequency, duration, and severity of PEM. In October 2023, Mayo Clinical Proceedings published a Concise Review for Clinicians for ME.32 This provides clear management advice stating that “Symptom-contingent pacing is recommended to all patients with ME/CFS.” 
  • The CDC and 2007 [and 2021] NICE guidelines cite pacing as an effective component in the treatment of patients with ME.
  • In 2019 and 2020, most Regional Health Pathways teams, in New Zealand, updated their clinical guidance for ME to reflect the IOM 2015 diagnostic criteria and the CDC’s recommendation to offer pacing rather than GET. 
  • Workwell foundation, a group of experts and researchers that work with fatigue-related illnesses, such as ME and Long COVID, oppose the use of GET for ME, explaining that GET “aimed at training the aerobic energy system, not only fails to improve function, but is detrimental to the health of patients and should not be recommended….Indications of metabolic dysfunction in ME/CFS suggest that limiting sustained activity whenever possible is a more reasonable therapeutic approach.” The Workwell Foundation’s  full argument and evidence can be found here in their Letter of Opposition to the use of GET for ME.

This also has implications for people with Long COVID as practitioners follow ME management for this condition, due to their similarities. Recent research comparing long COVID and ME/CFS found similarities that included the experience of low and medium physical and cognitive exertion to trigger PEM, symptoms of fatigue, pain, immune reaction, neurologic, orthostatic intolerance, and gastrointestinal symptoms during PEM, rest to recover from PEM, and benefits from pacing to prevent PEM.33 

The current Ministry of Health NZ Clinical Rehabilitation Guideline for People with Long COVID is aligned with ME/CFS management and states that for PEM or PESE: 

graded exercise therapy (GET: planned, regular exercise with incremental increases in frequency and/or intensity, duration and type with a goal to increase fitness) is not recommended for these people, because it can cause an exacerbation of symptoms. Symptom-led pacing is advocated for, this includes prioritising, planning, and use of an activity diary.34

Graded exercise therapy of planned regular exercise, with incremental increases usually utilises heart rate values, however individuals with ME often have chronotropic intolerance and therefore cannot achieve the same values to those individuals without this condition.35

Why is the Lightning Process not recommended for ME?

Best practice guidelines specifically state that the Lightning Process (LP) is not recommended as a treatment for ME, due to a lack of quality evidence and potential harms. 

Proponents of LP quote a single published study of the Lightning Process known as the SMILE trial. This study has been widely criticised for ‘outcome swapping’ as the primary outcome measure was changed from school attendance to scores on a self-report questionnaire. Given that LP overtly encourages patients to only report positive outcomes and improvement in their ability to control symptoms this is likely to lead to response bias. In July 2019, after an investigation by the Archives of Disease in Childhood, a lengthy and detailed editorial correction to the SMILE trial was published.36

The study corrections include, acknowledgement from the authors that the study was not fully ICMJE compliant, with their account of timeline and chronological order and changes being made to the primary outcomes of the study. 

While anecdotal stories indicate that these programmes do improve functionality for some, there are also reports that these programmes cause harm for others. Some people report severe, long term increases in symptoms following participation in these programmes when they have been encouraged to exceed their safe level of exertion. 

The Lightning Process is not cost-effective for many people with ME/CFS who are on low income/government benefits. Pacing, which is a self-management technique, is free, and can be carried out in one’s home. The only cost is if an individual chooses to purchase a wearable to monitor heart rate etc.

The World ME Alliance agrees with the international guidelines and published a position paper stating that: “The World ME Alliance and its members do not endorse the Lightning Process for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), sometimes called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).”37

Given the lack of evidence for Lightning Process and aligned programmes, the claims of cure, the lack of informed consent provided to patients around the risk of PEM, and the potential for negative outcomes, it should not be promoted to, or recommended by, health professionals. 

Lived experience

The inclusion of consumers’ lived experiences is essential to the development and evaluation of health service delivery and to making quality improvements in the health system. The Health Quality and Safety Commission (HQSC) identifies that lived experience stories can help highlight where and how services could be improved to meet peoples’ needs. 

Narratives from members of the NZ ME/CFS community in the form of Case Studies have been obtained through the regional ME/CFS organisations to illustrate examples of harm that have occurred through misinformation and treatment recommendations for GET or the Lightning Process. They have not been included in this document as they are not peer-reviewed or published case studies, however these are available upon request.

Potential impact on the health of the community

Continuing to perpetuate these outdated recommendations may lead to harmful practice and teach new health practitioners to continue this. Inconsistencies between New Zealand medical practice teachings and international standards may also lead to confusion for new and emerging practitioners. 

There is great potential for harm because patients with ME who ignore or push through their symptoms can worsen their condition, often becoming bedridden.38 

Doctors with M.E state “Discriminatory practice and standards in research, clinical knowledge, and safety which would not be tolerated in any other disease areas have become normalised in the field of ME/CFS. However such practice is unlawful, harms patients, and generates risk.”39

As any good researcher or clinician should know, basing a theory or treatment regime, on one single study, is not good practice. Especially if the single study is known to be flawed and unreplicated. Studies must have sound methodology, high validity and reliability, and outcomes must be replicable. Even Randomised Control Trials (considered the most robust) can have flaws in methodology that affect outcomes, as demonstrated by the SMILE trial. It is imperative that health professionals and medical associations and schools use the growing body of research and knowledge to support its resources, take note of meta analyses and robust literature reviews, and only publish information that is supported by the evidence.

Using outdated and flawed studies for the basis of treatment programmes for healthcare in Aotearoa/New Zealand will undermine the reputation and authority of New Zealand medical professionals within the eyes of the international medical, clinician, and research communities. It makes it harder for New Zealand health professionals to be taken seriously on the international stage, if the country’s health policies and practices reflect outdated opinions and flawed studies.

The medical profession has a duty to uphold a standard of care that follows the Hippocratic oath of “first, do no harm” and it is vital that all publications produced by health professionals follow these standards, and those that are discredited, harmful, or outdated are removed from circulation. 

We welcome the opportunity to work with you to ensure that any publications disseminated by health professionals or associations, follow the latest reputable research and guidelines. Our team of world-renowned experts are at the forefront of ME/CFS research and clinical practice and as the National Advisory on ME, ANZMES is fully equipped to provide the resources necessary to ensure that only the appropriate information is made available nationwide. Please utilise our expertise, on a subject that we spend 100% of our time researching, analysing, representing, and educating on, to ensure that best practice guidelines are the ONLY guidelines released by any Aotearoa/New Zealand based medical entity or representative.

We look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely

Fiona Charlton

President, ANZMES

Organisations in support of this letter:

M.E. Awareness NZ

Complex Chronic Illness Support

ME Support – NZ

MECFS Canterbury

MECFS MEISS (Otago and Southland)

Rest Assured Respite Trust

World ME Alliance

Emerge Australia

The ME Association (MEA)

Solve M.E.

Clinicians and Researchers in support of this letter:

Aotearoa/New Zealand

Emeritus Professor Warren Tate, University of Otago

Dr. Rosamund Vallings, MNZM

Dr. Anna Brooks, University of Auckland

Dr. Sarah Dalziel

Dr. Cathy Stephenson

Dr. Ken Jolly

Dr. Judijke Scheffer

Dr. Lynette Hodges, Massey University

Assoc. Professor Mona Jeffreys, Victoria University


Professor Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik, NCNED Professor

Dr. Charles Shepherd, MEA

Professor Leonard Jason, de Paul University

Professor Maureen Hanson, Cornell


1 Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Redefining an Illness.2015.

2 Carruthers BM, van de Sande MI, De Meirleir KL, Klimas NG, Broderick G, Mitchell, et al. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: International Consensus Criteria. Journal of Internal Medicine. 2011 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2011.02428.x. (published online on 20 July 2011)

3 Diagnosis and Management of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 2023. Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Information for Healthcare Providers. Understanding History of Case Definitions and Criteria.

5 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). (2021). ‘Overview | Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (or Encephalopathy)/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Diagnosis and Management | Guidance | NICE’. NICE.

6 Sharpe, M.C. et. al. (1990) A report – chronic fatigue syndrome: guidelines for research

7 Fukuda K, Straus SE, Hickie I, Sharpe MC, Dobbins JG, Komaroff A. (1994). The chronic fatigue syndrome: A comprehensive approach to its definition and study. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1994;121:953–959.

8 Jason L, Benton M, Torres-Harding S, Muldowney K. The impact of energy modulation on physical functioning and fatigue severity among patients with ME/CFS. Patient Educ Couns. 2009;77(2):237-241. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2009.02.015  

9 Bested AC, Marshall LM. Review of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: an evidence-based approach to diagnosis and management by clinicians. Rev Environ Health. 2015;30(4):223-249. doi:10.1515/reveh-2015-0026

10 Tirelli U, Chierichetti F, Tavio M, Simonelli C, Bianchin G, Zanco P, Ferlin G. Brain positron emission tomography (PET) in chronic fatigue syndrome: preliminary data. Amer J Med 1998; 105(3A): 54S-58S. [PMID: 9790483]

11 De Lange F, Kalkman J, et al. Gray matter volume reduction in the chronic fatigue syndrome. Neuroimage 2005; 26: 777-81. [PMID: 15955487]

12 Carruthers B. M. & van de Sande M. I. (2021). Myalgic Encephalomyelitis – Adult & Paediatric: International Consensus Primer for Medical Practitioners.

13  Twisk and Maes (2009)

14 Doctors with ME

15 ‘Are the New NICE Guidelines for ME/CFS at Odds with the Research Evidence?’, 14 August 2022.

16 Vink M, Vink-Niese A. The Updated NICE Guidance Exposed the Serious Flaws in CBT and Graded Exercise Therapy Trials for ME/CFS. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 May 12;10(5):898. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10050898. PMID: 35628033; PMCID: PMC9141828.

17 ME/CFS and Long COVID share similar symptoms and biological abnormalities: road map to the literature. 2023. Frontiers in Medicine.

18 Treatment Harms to Patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 2022. Advances in Bioengineering & Biomedical Science Research. DOI: 10.33140/ABBSR.06.01.01

19 Geraghty K, Jason L, Sunnquist M, Tuller D, Blease C, Adeniji C. The ‘cognitive behavioural model’ of chronic fatigue syndrome: Critique of a flawed model. Health Psychol Open. 2019 Apr 23;6(1):2055102919838907. doi: 10.1177/2055102919838907. PMID: 31041108; PMCID: PMC6482658.

20 van Campen CLMC, Rowe PC, Visser FC. Deconditioning does not explain orthostatic intolerance in ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome). J Transl Med. 2021 May 4;19(1):193. doi: 10.1186/s12967-021-02819-0. PMID: 33947430; PMCID: PMC8097965.

21 Sweetman E, Ryan M, Edgar C, MacKay A, Vallings R, Tate W. (2019). Changes in the transcriptome of circulating immune cells of a New Zealand cohort with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 33:205873841882040.

22 Tirelli U, Chierichetti F, Tavio M, Simonelli C, Bianchin G, Zanco P, Ferlin G. Brain positron emission tomography (PET) in chronic fatigue syndrome: preliminary data. Amer J Med 1998; 105(3A): 54S-58S. [PMID: 9790483]

23 De Lange F, Kalkman J, et al. Gray matter volume reduction in the chronic fatigue syndrome. Neuroimage 2005; 26: 777-81. [PMID: 15955487]

24  Ghali, A., Richa, P., Lacout, C. et al. Epidemiological and clinical factors associated with post-exertional malaise severity in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. J Transl Med 18, 246 (2020).

25 Letter from Ministry of Health. 19 Dec 2022.

26 Comparison of adaptive pacing therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, graded exercise therapy, and specialist medical care for chronic fatigue syndrome (PACE): a randomised trial. 2011. Lancet.

27 Rethinking the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome—a reanalysis and evaluation of findings from a recent major trial of graded exercise and CBT. 2018. BMC Psychology.

28 CDC Treating the Most Disruptive Symptoms First and Preventing Worsening of Symptoms, 2021.

29 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). (2021). ‘Overview | Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (or Encephalopathy)/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Diagnosis and Management | Guidance | NICE’. NICE.

30  Vink M, Vink-Niese A. The Updated NICE Guidance Exposed the Serious Flaws in CBT and Graded Exercise Therapy Trials for ME/CFS. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 May 12;10(5):898. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10050898. PMID: 35628033; PMCID: PMC9141828.

31  Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Essentials of Diagnosis and Management. 2021. Mayo Clinical Proceedings. L Bateman, et al.

32  Diagnosis and Management of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 2023. Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

33 Vernon, Suzanne D. et al. ‘Post-exertional Malaise Among People with Long COVID Compared to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)’. 1 Jan. 2023 : 1 – 8.

34  Ministry of Health. 2022. Clinical Rehabilitation Guideline for People with Long COVID (Coronavirus Disease) in Aotearoa New Zealand: Revised December 2022. Wellington: Ministry of Health.

35 Davenport, Todd E. et al. ‘Chronotropic Intolerance: An Overlooked Determinant of Symptoms and Activity in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Frontiers Paed. 22 Marc. 2019, 7

36 Editor’s note on correction to Crawley et al. (2018).

37 World ME Alliance. 2022. The Lightning Process – A Position Paper.

38 Strassheim, Victoria; Newton, Julia L.; Collins, Tracy (February 5, 2021). “Experiences of Living with Severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis”. Healthcare. 9 (2): 168. doi:10.3390/healthcare9020168. ISSN 2227-9032. PMC 7914910. PMID 33562474.

39 Doctors with-ME. ”Rights and Obligations in ME/CFS: Overcoming normalised disregard for standards”

ANZMES 2023 AGM Report

The ANZMES AGM was held at 1pm on the 18th November 2023 via ZOOM online meeting.

This was ANZMES 43rd AGM of caring and supporting people with ME/CFS and their whanau and carers, as well as disseminating information, resources, and education to them, the general public, and medical professionals. ANZMES is looking at new initiatives as part of our strategic planning for the next year, and will continue to fund vital research that benefits the ME/CFS community as more physiological evidence is discovered and more understanding of the condition is brought to the fore.

Fiona Charlton (President) opened the AGM Meeting and the President’s report outlined some of ANZMES activities throughout the year. 

Highlights included;

  • This year we are proud to have launched a Grant and Scholarship Programme for postgraduate students and academic researchers. This will be an annual fund for ME/CFS and long COVID study. Two exciting projects are proceeding thanks to the ANZMES Grants of $25,000 each
  • ANZMES launched Know M.E. Series for health professionals providing a monthly newsletter packed full of evidence-based information and research. The associated video podcasts are publicly available. This series is CME accredited by the Royal NZ College of GP’s, and ANZMES is a Registered Provider for continuing medical education. This series features a newsletter covering a different topic each month. Know M.E. also includes a podcast which is publicly available on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts, and iTunes/Apple. The video version is publicly available on YouTube. Each month features special guest interviews speaking about M.E. topics.
  • In May 2023 ANZMES launched two one-page resources for the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS and long COVID in primary care.
  • In early November 2022 we held a long COVID educational event for health professionals. We had over 150 registrants, including GPs, nurses, nurse practitioners, clinic managers, med students, physiotherapists, OTs, and more. Our speakers talked about post exertional malaise and how to avoid it, described the similarities and differences between Long COVID and ME/CFS, how to diagnose both conditions, how to treat through allied health, and the effects of COVID and Long COVID in Māori and Pasifika communities.
  • Dr Sarah Dalziel attending the the 3rd ME/CFS International Conference 2023: RID – Research Innovation and Discovery and provided a summary of the conference.

All present committee member’s have continued their term and were voted on for the upcoming year. The appointments are as follows:

President – Fiona Charlton

Vice President – Ange Robinson

Treasurer – Amy Ma

Reviewer – Alan Shanks

Executive committee – Anna Brooks, Suzanne Duffy, Wendy Matthews, Steve Murray, Gabby Shortt and Ros Vallings.

Heather Wilson who has been on the ANZMES committee for well over 20 years has now stepped down. A very, very special thanks go to Heather for her hard work and time spent on the committee and time spent helping people and their whanau, it is much appreciated. After the AGM was announced closed a presentation was played of Heather’s farewell which was held online and in person in Dunedin on Friday 3rd November 2023.

Dr Sarah Dalziel and Ken Jolly both continue as ex officio Medical Advisor’s to ANZMES. We would like to sincerely thank Sarah and Ken for their time and effort to help answer any queries we may have in the medical field. 

Membership Fees for 2024 have remained unchanged, they are set at:

  • $10.00 for Full membership
  • $5.00 for Concessionary membership
  • $5.00 for Family members
  • A free Helping Hand option will be available for people who suffer severe financial hardship.

After the AGM had finished, Dr Sarah Dalziel gave a presentation on her attendance at the 3rd ME/CFS International Conference 2023: RID – Research Innovation and Discovery. 

YouTube links to the AGM attached below
AGM 2023 – 1 of 3
AGM 2023 – 2 of 3
AGM 2033 – 3 of 3

Returning to functional activities and exercise after COVID-19 – Flow Chart

Physiotherapy New Zealand has provided ANZMES with a flow chart for the return to exercise advice in the Long COVID space. 
Please find attached the flow chart designed for health care professionals to be supported in giving safe exercise advice.

Press Release – ANZMES Awards Academics 25K Grants to Boost ME Research 2023

For immediate release – 18/09/2023

Two New Zealand researchers have been chosen to receive the Associated New Zealand Myalgic
Encephalomyelitis Society (ANZMES) annual grant of $25,000 to undertake vital research into
increasing understanding of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME, also known as Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome), in Aotearoa.

ANZMES, the National Advisory on ME, launched the new grant and scholarship programme for
postgraduate students and academic researchers this year – aimed at supporting those
interested in researching ME and long COVID. With six funding opportunities available, ANZMES
encouraged applications from those seeking to undertake research that furthers understanding,
treatment, or prevention of ME and long COVID, including two $25,000 grants and four $5,000
scholarships to support research and study costs.

The 2023 Grant recipients are:
● Principal investigator: Dr. Nicholas Bowden, Research Fellow, Department of Women’s and
Children’s Health, University of Otago (pictured below. Photo credit: University of Otago).

Co investigators: Keith McLeod, Associate Principal, Kōtātā Insight.
Dr. Rosamund Vallings, retired GP, Howick Health and Medical
Emeritus Professor Warren Tate, Department of Biochemistry,
University of Otago.
Professor Barry Taylor, Department of Women’s and Children’s
Health, University of Otago.
Francisca Anns, PhD Candidate, COMPASS Research Centre,
University of Auckland.

The study will investigate the health, labour market, and social service use of people with
ME, in NZ, through a population study.
Dr. Bowden says, “we are excited and grateful to receive this grant to undertake what we believe
is an important piece of research, providing foundational population-level evidence on health,
labour market, and social service outcomes for those with ME/CFS in Aotearoa/New Zealand for
the first time.”

● Principal investigator: Dr. Lynette Hodges, Senior Lecturer School of Sport, Exercise and
Nutrition, Massey University, Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist (pictured below.
Photo credit: Massey University).

The study will investigate activity and energy management and
the hallmark symptom post-exertional malaise (PEM), in people
with ME through an observational study that assesses exertion
during normal daily activities of living, such as doing dishes or

Dr. Hodges says, “I am so thrilled to learn that my research
application was chosen. I hope that this research will be able
to be of benefit to those with ME/CFS. As a Clinical Exercise
Physiologist, I am keen to help people live their best lives and hope that this study will develop a
better understanding of how activities of daily living affect the physiology of those living with

Dr. Bowden and Dr. Hodges will both receive the $25,000 Grants through their respective
universities, to carry out their research projects.

ANZMES President, Fiona Charlton, says, these investments will help facilitate a crucial source of
New Zealand based research, furthering our understanding of the disabling condition.

“We are really pleased by the calibre of the work proposed by both recipients.
“With Dr. Bowden’s work, for the first time we will have a foundational study that offers insight into the lives and experiences of people with ME in Aotearoa.

“We understand the burden of disease from an international research perspective but New
Zealand based studies are lacking.

“Research into PEM and activity management will also be invaluable for both patients and health
professionals and will have implications for long COVID management and recovery.

“While we did not receive any scholarship applications, we encourage postgraduate students to
consider their Masters/PhD topics now, for next year’s funding round. In programs with relatively
low costs, scholarships can be used to help pay fees or study and living expenses,” says Charlton.

ME is a complex, debilitating and often misunderstood medical condition and although millions of
people suffer with the illness worldwide, including a significant population in New Zealand, there
is remarkably little research or funding available.

This ANZMES funding programme was made possible by the generous support of members.

The Grant was awarded by ANZMES on the recommendation of their Grants and Scholarships

Next year’s funding applications open May 31st.
Visit for more information, grant regulations, and application forms.

What is ME/CFS?
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is often triggered by a viral
illness and involves overwhelming fatigue and other symptoms that range in severity as it affects
many body systems, such as the immune, neuroendocrine and autonomic nervous system.
The key characteristic of ME/CFS is post exertional malaise (PEM) which presents 12-48 hours
after exertion, and can result in days to weeks of exacerbated symptoms. For the very severe, this
exertion can be simply trying to speak, or eat.

Who are we?
We are the National Advisory on ME in Aotearoa/New Zealand. With four decades of knowledge
and experience, we are the trusted leaders in ME education, representation, and research. Our
expertise comes from a reputable medical team of advisors, including a world renowned expert
and MNZM recipient, a fellow of the Royal NZ College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and a
network of academic researchers, clinicians, and representatives from the ME community. The
executive committee comprises experts in their respective fields for governance, policy,
leadership, representation, and education.

Always a trail-blazer, it was the first ME charity of its kind in the world, established in 1980, as
ANZMES, to provide support, information dissemination, and representation, achieving past
outcomes through dedication, passion, time, and knowledge of lived experience. Today, the
organisation leads as a Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) Continuing
Medical Education (CME) Registered Provider, proud funder of vital research, and steward of the
community voice.
We continue to disseminate evidence-based information nationally, and represent the ME voice
globally as a founding member of the World ME Alliance through advocacy and leadership.
ANZMES latest education programme for health professionals – Know M.E. – is a video podcast
and news series featuring up-to-date, evidence based research and information on ME and Post
COVID Conditions.

Grant and Scholarship Programme

ANZMES Launches New Grant and Scholarship Programme to Boost ME/CFS and long COVID Research

ANZMES, New Zealand’s national advisory for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), is pleased to announce the launch of a new grant and scholarship programme for postgraduate students and academic researchers. The programme is aimed at supporting those who are interested in researching ME/CFS and long COVID.

woman in lab coat with back to camera, in a laboratory with test tubes and equipment in foreground and background.

There will be six funding opportunities awarded each year to Postgraduates who undertake research that furthers understanding, treatment, or prevention of ME/CFS and long COVID, including two $25,000 grants to support laboratory research studies and four $5,000 scholarships to support students undertaking research projects. Academic researchers can also apply for the grants.

ME/CFS is a debilitating chronic condition involving overwhelming ongoing fatigue. Although millions of people suffer with the illness worldwide there is remarkably little research or funding available.  

ANZMES President, Fiona Charlton, says “we are excited to launch this new programme, which aims to support the next generation of researchers and innovators to build a vital source of New Zealand based research, contributing to knowledge and scientific progress that will benefit the community. 

“Promoting and investing in ME/CFS-focused research is a core objective of the organisation. Our funding programme is made possible by the support of our members.”

Two grants are being offered for postgraduate studies or academic research in either the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, or Faculty of Sport and Exercise Science to contribute towards the costs of laboratory analysis for a research project on ME/CFS or ME/CFS and long COVID.

Four scholarship awards will be offered each year to students to contribute towards the expenses of studying for a postgraduate degree in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Public Health or Humanities/Social Sciences for a student who can demonstrate financial project cost requirements or study expenses and who are conducting study/research on ME/CFS or ME/CFS and long COVID.

Applicants will be selected by ANZMES on the recommendation of their Scholarships Subcommittee.

Applications for 2023 awards open 31 May and close 31 July.
Further information and application forms are available at

ANZMES backs World ME Alliance position

– no endorsement for Lightning Process for ME

The Associated New Zealand Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Society (ANZMES) supports the new position paper on the Lightning Process by the World ME Alliance and does not endorse the Lightning Process for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). 

The Lightning Process is a programme loosely based on concepts of neuro linguistic programming (NLP) and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) that is set up commercially and currently marketed as a cure for ME/CFS. This claim is not backed by scientific evidence and ANZMES shares the view of the World ME Alliance that the promotion of this programme is likely to do harm.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), in the UK, revised their guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of ME/CFS stating that the lightning process should not be used as a treatment and they no longer recommend CBT. These changes reflect a shift from an outdated perspective that ME/CFS was a psychological condition and follows evidence from over 200 studies showing poor efficacy for this treatment approach.

ANZMES President, Fiona Charlton says, “there is a growing body of evidence that shows that ME is driven by physiological changes not psychological ones and telling people that they can talk themselves out of this condition, within three days, could be very harmful.

“We know that if people with ME ignore their symptoms and push themselves this can make things worse, sometimes to the point of needing hospital care.”

ANZMES agrees with the World ME Alliance who highlight in their statement that people with ME/CFS are vulnerable to exploitation due to a lack of effective treatment where programmes like the Lightning Process are just filling this void.

People living with Long COVID are also being drawn into this treatment as this is now an extension of their claims to cure ME/CFS.

Other concerns with the Lightning Process include a bias in efficacy studies, including conflicts of interest, a reported secrecy where participants are told not to speak about the programme or their symptoms and a level of shame and guilt for those who do not recover within the three days of treatment.

Charlton says, “we want to ensure that if we are endorsing a treatment for ME that robust evidence supports efficacy and this is just not the case with LP. 

“What we do know is that a treatment approach that is focussed around symptom management is shown to help with the relapsing nature of ME.”

ANZMES acknowledges that neurological symptoms, such as depression and anxiety can be a part of ME/CFS and may benefit from supportive therapies but people have the right to unbiased, impartial information when being offered these treatments.


The Lightning Process was developed and trademarked by British osteopath and hypnotherapist Phil Parker.

ANZMES has been providing information, building awareness, funding research, and advocating for people with ME/CFS for the past 42 years (since 1980). As the national advisory body for ME/CFS in New Zealand, ANZMES disseminates evidence-based information nationally, and represents the ME/CFS voice, globally as a founding member of the World ME Alliance. ANZMES acts as the voice of all people living with this disabling disease through advocacy and leadership.

Position Statement World ME Alliance

NICE Guidelines

Contact ANZMES for more information

ANZMES Preliminary survey findings


At the request of the ME/CFS community, ANZMES has issued a survey relating to reactions experienced by the community to the COVID-19 Pfizer BioNTech vaccine. ANZMES also sought to ascertain prevalence of Long COVID and COVID-19 infection in the community. The opportunity was also utilised for respondents to express interest in participating in a potential fractionated dosing trial.

This report contains preliminary findings for responses received from 21st October 2021 to 10th November 2021. This survey is still open to capture experiences after these dates, as vaccination decisions are ongoing.

Please note that this survey is classed as a self-report questionnaire which seeks to ascertain the subjective experience of people with ME/CFS and co-morbid conditions. The information collected is therefore anecdotal data. No clinical research has been conducted.


  • 395 respondents identify with an ME/CFS diagnosis
  • 144 with Fibromyalgia (some overlap with ME/CFS)
  • 19 with COVID-19
  • 5 diagnosed with, and 32 suspect, Long COVID

The majority of respondents have a clinical diagnosis of ME, with 25 self-diagnosed. Most are unsure as to which diagnostic criteria for ME was used.

Some questions have less respondents, therefore numbers are indicated in the relevant sections.

Functional capacity (pre-vaccination)

Forms response chart. Question title: What is your current functional capacity (with ME/CFS and/or FM and/or Long COVID). Number of responses: 446 responses.

  • 32.3% (144 individuals) are unable to work, confined to their home with a lot of rest required.
  • 25.8% (115) are able to work part-time at home.
  • 25.5* (115) are able to work part-time outside of the house.
  • 9.9% (44) are able to work full-time with mild-moderate symptoms with activity.
    1.1% (5) are able to work full-time without symptoms.
    * These respondents were mostly COVID-19 infection or Long COVID respondents without ME/CFS. 
  • 4.3% (19) are bedbound most of the time.
  • 0.9% (4) are bedbound and unable to care for themselves.

Vaccination rates

The majority of respondents have had two doses of the Pfizer vaccination.

  • 64.5% (296) two doses.
  • 16.1& (74) single dose.
  • 19.2% (88) have not been vaccinated.

Of the 296 with two doses, the duration between doses was 6 weeks or more for 166 individuals and 3 weeks for 130.

Pattern for capacity and reaction

These findings suggest that the more disabling the ME/CFS symptoms, the more prone to a relapse after vaccination but that relapse can occur at any functional capacity state for pwME. This was analysed when there were 241 responses.

Temporarily worsenedImprovedNo changeWorsened into relapseWorsened beyond illnessNot vaccinatedNo answer
Part-time work home228791142
Part-time outside house22317140122
Full-time work mild-mod with activity







Unable to work, confined to house23
3 temp
Bedbound mostly2003011
Bedbound unable to care for self0001011
Overall ME7220434883020

First dose vaccination reaction and duration

There were 39 individuals who did not experience any symptoms. For those who did experience reactions to the first dose of the vaccine, these were consistent with the expected normal immune response, e.g.: 

  • sore at injection site (300)
  • tired/fatigued (219)
  • Headache (142)
  • nausea/gastrointestinal issues (62)
  • fever/chills (56)
  • Swollen lymph nodes (46)
  • Sleep issues/insomnia (44)

5 people experienced heart palpitations and/or anxiety 3 people experienced skin sensitivity and/or allergy flares, with 2 people experiencing brain fog/cognitive issues.

Forms response chart. Question title: These effects lasted for:. Number of responses: 378 responses.

  • For most people (130) these symptoms lasted 1-2 days.
  • For 93 individuals it lasted 3-6 days.
  • 44 experienced symptoms for 7-14 days.
  • 35 for over 2 weeks.
  • 37 have not recovered.

Second dose reaction and duration

As has been reported by the general public, the findings from this survey suggest that pwME also experienced more adverse reactions to the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. However there were 54 individuals who did not experience any symptoms.

  • e.g. sore at injection site (213)
  • tired/fatigued (209)
  • Headache (139)
  • fever/chills (72)
  • Swollen lymph nodes (48)
  • Muscle aches/joint pain (147)

2 experienced skin sensitivity, 2 experienced fibromyalgia flare-ups, 2 experienced palpitations and/or anxiety symptoms, 2 experienced brain fog/cognitive issues.

Forms response chart. Question title: These effects lasted for:. Number of responses: 319 responses.

  • For 97 individuals these symptoms lasted 1-2 days.
  • For 78 individuals it lasted 3-6 days.
  • 26 experienced symptoms for 7-14 days.
  • 20 for over 2 weeks.
  • 44 have not recovered.

Vaccine effect on state of illness/wellness for 359 respondents

  • 137 (38.1%) experienced no change/stay the same
  • 118 (32.9%) temporarily worsened but have returned to baseline
  • 71 (19.8%) worsened and not returned to baseline – relapsed
  • 22 (6.1%) improved
  • 11 (3.1%) worsened beyond anything experienced in illness to date – severe relapse

289 respondents did not have any new symptoms that they could attribute to the vaccine.

52 stated that they had new symptoms that they could attribute to the vaccine. These symptoms tended to be over-activation of the immune response, e.g. sore throat, swollen neck glands, allergy reactions. Of these 52 – 4 individuals have gastrointestinal issues, 2 experienced more fatigue whilst 1 indicated improved energy.

Clinical care

From 383 responses 314 (82%) were not offered clinical care during vaccination, 15 (3.9%) were offered clinical care, 19 (5%) were unsure. 25 people asked for specific clinical care during the vaccination process. Of those offered clinical care the options were 30 minute observation rather than the normal 15, separate areas with direct nurse observation. Others were advised by their GPs to rest and take antihistamines pre- and post-vaccination.

Caregiving requirements

From 353 respondents 50 require ongoing caregiving for their ME/CFS and/or FM and 70 required care after vaccination. 244 people do not require caregiving before and 230 after.

Fractionated dosing interest

If fractionated / lower dosing had been an option, of 115 responses 48 stated they would have considered it, 23 said they would not consider it and 44 were unsure.

Of 88 responses for those reluctant to have the vaccine, 57 would consider lower dosing options, 10 would not, and 21 were unsure.

Of 124 responses to indicate interest in participation in a potential trial into fractionated dosing, 61 responded that they are interested, 31 may be interested, and 32 are not.

Antihistamine usage

Of 115 responses 45 did not take any pre- or post-vaccination, 70 did.

Reasons for not being vaccinated

Of 1Anxiety/worry/fear about potential adverse reactions, previous adverse reactions to other vaccines, concern about the safety of the vaccine, high ME/CFS symptomatology, chemical sensitivities/MCS/MCAS, not currently well enough to risk adverse reactions.


19 respondents have been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection.

169 respondents have had COVID-19 tests.

5 people have been diagnosed by a medical professional with Long COVID.

32 people suspected they have Long COVID after a viral infection due to ongoing or lingering classic COVID-19 symptoms and having been connected to a location of interest, an overseas hot zone of infection, or have remained unwell after experiencing a viral infection that has not been confirmed as COVID but has the same symptoms.

Symptoms by response from 57 individuals:

  • Fatigue 41 (71.9%)
  • Brain fog/cognitive issues 39 (68.4%)
  • Shortness of breath 31 (54.4%)
  • Flu-like (fever chills, joint/muscle pain, headaches) 25 (43.9%)
  • Gastrointestinal 24 (42.1%)
  • Depression 10 (17.5%)
  • Organ damage 9 (15.8%)

Duration of illness with Long COVID or suspected Long COVID

From 57 responses

  • 14 individuals have been unwell for 18-22 months+
  • 6 individuals have been unwell for  6-10 months
  • 37 for less than 6 months
  • 1 for many years, a pre-COVID infection

Demographic information

From 447 responses, respondents identify as:

  • Female – 391 (87.5%)
  • Male – 47 (10.5%)
  • Non-binary – 7 (1.6%)
  • Prefer not to say – 2 (0.4%)

Age range from 453 responses:

  • Under 18 = 10 (2.2%)
  • 18-24 = 18 (4%)
  • 25-39 = 100 (22.1%)
  • 40-49 = 109 (24.1%)
  • 50-59 = 108 (23.8%)
  • 60-69 = 82 (18.1%)
  • 70-79 = 22 (4.9%)
  • 80+ = 4 (0.9%)

From 447 responses, respondents live in the following regions: 

  • Northland = 36 (8.1%)
  • Auckland = 143 (32.1%)
  • Bay of Plenty = 32 (7.2%)
  • Waikato = 21 (4.7%)
  • Gisborne = 3 (0.7%)
  • Hawkes Bay = 14 (3.1%)
  • Taranaki = 6 (1.1%)
  • Whanganui/Manawatu = 17 (3.8%)
  • Wairarapa = 1 (0.2%)
  • Wellington = 53 (11.9%)
  • Nelson/Tasman = 36 (8.1%)
  • Marlborough = 3 (0.7%)
  • West Coast = 2 (0.4%)
  • Canterbury = 47 (10.5%)
  • Otago = 40 (9%)
  • Southland = 9 (2%)
  • Overseas = 8 (1.8%)
  • Nomadic = 2 (0.4%)
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