First World ME Day

image of the world from space, with text The first ever World ME Day May 12th 2022

First World ME Day and theme launched by alliance members

The World ME Alliance, a collaborative of organisations from across the globe, is launching World ME Day on 12th May this year. This new initiative aims to bring together organisations and unify efforts to raise awareness and campaign together on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). Through collective action, we will step closer to our goal of a world without ME.

World ME Day will build on the incredible efforts of advocates around events, such as ME Awareness Week and Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CIND) Awareness Day. By focusing on a single day and collaborating across many organisations, we aim to maximise our collective power.

The theme for the first year of World ME Day is #LearnFromME.

Read More: here

image of a lightbulb inside a chalk drawing of a thought bubble with the text #learnfromme world me day

What should the world #LearnFromME?

ME is a global health crisis – up to 30 million people are living with this disease worldwide, and when we take into account the effect on families, carers and friends too, the impact of this disease cannot be overstated.

But there is much to be learnt from this disease – from the willpower and determination of those living with it, to the incredible advocates working towards change, to an understanding that the most meaningful change will comes from high-quality research.

We want to use World ME Day to reach out to health professionals on a personal basis, build understanding of ME and take another step towards a world that understands ME.

Key facts for health professionals

  • People with ME have a lower average quality of life than all other diseases they have been compared to, including diabetes, cancers and heart disease.

Read more: here


There are some therapies which are commercially based, and they come under many names. Lightning Process is one that has been widely known. This is a psychological approach based on neurolinguistic programming, a technique that may have benefits for those who are experiencing depression or anxiety.

Claims have been made that the Lightning Process is a cure and some have said it did cure or significantly help them, but as yet no scientific trials have been done with a group selected from stringent ME/CFS or Long COVID research guidelines. It is possible responders may have conditions other than ME/CFS or Long COVID.

We are concerned by its promotion of it as a ‘cure’ for ME/CFS and Long COVID. At present this is not scientifically proven. We have received reports from those who have spent a great deal of money to try this or similar treatments who have made no improvement, have not been cured or have relapsed severely. The guilt experienced by those who are not cured can be devastating.

On 27 September 2017, the ME Association in the UK published this article on their website:

The following is a quote from Dr Charles Shepherd, medical advisor to the ME Association:
“‘The Lightning Process’ is not a treatment that we endorse or recommend for people with ME/CFS. “Patient evidence, gathered from our members over many years, indicates that some people who have gone through the LP try to make rapid and unrealistic improvements in their physical and mental activity levels. However, this is followed by a relapse or significant worsening of symptoms. Others who have gone through the LP programme report that they have spent huge amounts of money with no obvious benefit. It may well be that there are some people with a general fatigue state, resulting from stress, emotional or psychological problems who could benefit from a ‘mind over matter’ entity and not to be confused with ME/CFS. There has been a very significant growth in biomedical research globally into M.E. in the past decade. This over-simplistic and largely psychological model of ME/CFS causation that is being put forward to patients is totally out of step with emerging scientific evidence as to the cause of ME/CFS.”

Since Dr Shepherd wrote this statement, there has been even more robust scientific research into ME/CFS as a neuro-inflammatory disease. One might do well to remember that multiple sclerosis was once seen as a kind of ‘hysteria,’ until MRI machines were able to identify the lesions associated with this disease on the myelin sheath. Research into the biomedical causes and potential treatments of ME/CFS and Long COVID is proceeding at a rapid rate and new therapies are being developed, including the possibility of treatment through using existing medications.

Along with providing support, it is the aim of ANZMES to provide sufferers of ME/CFS and Long COVID with accurate and up-to-date medical information. We encourage all patients, medical practitioners, family members or the general public to contact us with any questions you may have.

Associated Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Society of New Zealand, Inc.

Update – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK) published revised guidelines on October 29, 2021. In this revision, NICE stated that the Lightning Process should not be offered as a treatment for people with ME/CFS (point 1.12.27 of the recommendations) as it could potentially cause harm. For more information visit: 

Doctor Ros Vallings at the Public Meeting in Dunedin Colquoun Theatre 22 Sept, 2014.

Ros trip
Dr Vallings being introduced at the meeting.

Dr Ros Vallings lecturing to the crowd.

Debbie, ANZMES manager with resources ready to give out.

Doctor Ros Vallings lectured at the Colquhoun Theater in Dunedin on the 22nd September, 2014 to make a Podcast for Medical Students education at a public meeting.
Resources were given to Doctors and Medical Students who attended plus members of the public. There were over a large crowd who turned up on a cold snowy day to listen to the latest information from Ros.

ANZMES AGM 2nd November 2014

Australian Paediatrician Kathy Rowe
Australian Paediatrician Kathy Rowe

ANZMES AGM will be held on the 2nd November at 1pm at the CCS resource Centre in Royal Oak. Guest Speaker will be Dr Kathy Rowe a top Australian Paediatrician. After the AGM Kathy will be visiting many New Zealand main centres to lecture to paediatricians and Medical professionals.

Over the past 44 years, Kathy Rowe has achieved outstanding national and international recognition for her work in adolescent health. She is widely acclaimed as a caring, dedicated consultant physician, in the Centre for Adolescent Health at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital. She has also held academic appointments in the University of Melbourne’s Department of Paediatrics, involved in teaching, research and clinical work.

She is an expert in the area of chronic fatigue syndrome, having worked tirelessly and championed its cause when it was not fashionable. Prof Leonard Jason referred to her work as “the most elegant and important in the field” and stated that “the entire field has benefited from the precision and rigor of her methods.”She worked hard on the international committee establishing the paediatric case definition and diagnostic criteria for CFS/ME (2006).

ME Day

ME/CFS day is on the 12th of May.
This date was picked as it was the anniversary of Florence Nightingales Birthday.
Florence was thought to have had ME/CFS in the later  years of her life.
To celebrate ME day ANZMES has sent resources including latest Physicians booklets
Childrens Booklets and posters etc to all the Support Group through NZ.

An ANZMES survey of how ME/CFS impacts on sufferers has been compiled and thanks to Don Baken for his help with this. Massey University has helped with a media release of the survey.
Dr Ros Vallings is speaking on Monday Morning on TV about ME/CFS and the ANZMES survey.
Articles are in local newspapers that have been put in by support groups up and down NZ.
Here are some articles from the ME day release.

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